I thought the rendering looked more like it was done by Thomas Kinkaide, Painter of Shite, er, Light, but other than the craptastic faux Chiluly faux sculpture over the door it looks like a good building.
Alas, it looks to me like a shapeless lump of '80s green glass. Any strength of shape is dulled by the balconies, which break up any lines that might try to emerge.
"I thought the rendering looked more like it was done by Thomas Kinkaide, Painter of Shite.." :lol

I'm really curious now. Where are people seeing this- can someone post it?
Globe and Mail Real Estate section, page 8.

ap: To me the ad looks one step short of being a full-blown Kinkaide - somehow he would have found a way to notch up the treacly light and coziness a bit more, hence my Trish Romance attribution. Restraint is not a word I associate with her work either, but in comparison to his, it's there, and somehow this ad shows a wee bit too.

duelling art critic 42
With references to Trailer Trish and Kinkaide- painter of Shite', I can hardly wait to see this masterpiece.
It's not unappealing, but it's much more illustration than a typical rendering.

Could someone please scan and post the image for those of us not in Toronto.
Re: scan

Ask and you shall receive. This is not the entire image, which is a full page add and difficult to scan, but you get the idea.

Re: scan

adma, we're talking developers and marketers here. Look, at least there's other buildings in the rendering, it doesn't look like something in the middle of a field.
Re: scan

^ I was thinking the exact same thing. For *real* kitsch-ironic impact, they should have put Amazing Condo Tales! or something to that effect across the top.
Re: scan

I'm not sure if I like this one or not. It sort of looks like 1 University Ave with balconies.
