mmmmmm.... City of Toronto property PARKING-LOTS all along Don Mills...???

They have been Ontario Science Centre Parking lots, as the lessee.

Will need to look into the details of the T & C's on those Leases, I guess..???

By all means. I don't have a copy handy but I can tell you the gist is that the lands must be used for the purpose of operating a Science Centre, museum and educational facility. It precludes any other use to my understanding. (the parking was considered ancillary to the principle use)
They have been Ontario Science Centre Parking lots, as the lessee.

By all means. I don't have a copy handy but I can tell you the gist is that the lands must be used for the purpose of operating a Science Centre, museum and educational facility. It precludes any other use to my understanding. (the parking was considered ancillary to the principle use)

I imagine there will be college and university administrations chomping at the bit to have a new campus next to massive transit hub.
I imagine there will be college and university administrations chomping at the bit to have a new campus next to massive transit hub.

Most of the land is below the STOL (Stable Top of Slope) and much is in the regulatory flood plain. If the current complex is demolished, I'd be surprised if you ever see buildings again on the portion land owned by the TRCA, with the possible exception of a public washroom.

The land at the top, owned by the City could certainly be in play. That's nominally about 4ha/10ac; but you will likely have a conventional park up top, maybe as much as 2ac, plus streets. If the existing building is preserved, in addition to removing that from the calculation, you would presumably want a view corridor of it, so you'd cut the area in about 1/2

* while I don't mind your idea at all, assuming there was enough room left; there is the matter of interest.........after the substantial reduction to foreign students.
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I imagine there will be college and university administrations chomping at the bit to have a new campus next to massive transit hub.
Honestly, that would be a pretty great use for the site, and one of the better options in terms of having any chance of restoring the existing building.
Is there a Science Centre thread or this it? I have some pictures to post.
Is there a Science Centre thread or this it?

There is no dedicated thread right now. Most discussion is in the Ontario Place master thread.

I have some pictures to post.

You can put those here or in the OP thread for now.

I think we'll end up getting an OSC thread, if we do you'll just want to make sure your stuff gets moved over.
I can watch this when I get a moment, but if @HousingNowTO is about, perhaps he can share why this one was referred at Ctte.
770 Don Mills needs at least ~$50+ MILLION from the PROVINCE to build the School-in-Podium... and there's also some "optics concerns" about it being adjacent and above the SCIENCE CENTRE station on the CROSSTOWN LRT and the ONTARIO LINE.

There's also some LEGAL stuff between the City / TDSB / PROVINCE that needs to be cleaned-up.

Hope to have it come back in the Fall 2024.
770 Don Mills needs at least ~$50+ MILLION from the PROVINCE to build the School-in-Podium... and there's also some "optics concerns" about it being adjacent and above the SCIENCE CENTRE station on the CROSSTOWN LRT and the ONTARIO LINE.

There's also some LEGAL stuff between the City / TDSB / PROVINCE that needs to be cleaned-up.

Hope to have it come back in the Fall 2024.

TY! Appreciate the insight.
This one was amended at Council:


The referenced Supplementary Report can be found here:

