Waterloo Regional Housing – 82 Wilson
In Kitchener, we are working with Waterloo Region Housing to augment an affordable seniors housing complex with a new and adjoining six-storey building providing 48 new units as well as wraparound supports including offices, flexible programming rooms, and medical services.
In addition to addressing a need for increased seniors accommodation in Kitchener-Waterloo, we went beyond the brief to also create a leading sustainable building for the region. We began by modelling the project’s energy performance, selecting both active and passive systems to exceed the region’s current LEED Silver and Passive House standards.
The building will be heated and cooled by a geothermal system, and heat loss and gain will be minimized by a highly efficient envelope. Also, we designed externally mounted steel frame balconies to provide residents with private outdoor space while preventing thermal bridging. Rooftop solar panels will further reduce the building’s dependency on the energy grid.