Personally I am very tired of meat grinder architecture in Toronto- If I was the developer of this project I would fire the architect- But then again we are dealing with a developer and a consumer who has no knowledge or consideration for what is good and what is bad.

I do solemnly hope your not referring to me as being one such a consumer. If so, you are highly mistaken for I have no interest in purchasing a unit in this building. I suggest you think twice before making baseless assumptions.

Furthermore the quality of your posts have indicated nothing that leads one to believe that you actually have any knowledge or consideration for what is good and what is bad.
I would have liked it even more if they would've clad it with that cream-coloured precast the whole way through, rather than transition to the usual glass curtain wall.

Agreed, that would have made for a better contrast with the glassy crown. Does this go before a design review panel?
Count me in with the why-not-just-pre-cast crowd. This is why people usually stick to boxes - buildings can quickly descend into this sort of arbitrary messiness when architects try to add obvious visual interest.
The box is the obvious flaw, although im sure none of us would mention the box's ugliness if we could get a nice pointed spire added to the plans. When i look at the render or the diagram all i can think is why no spire? Am i the only one thinking this day after day?
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I'm confused as where the "skyline render" is lol! (as posted on the urban toronto homepage)

Skyline rendering as in this building's own personal skyline, not the city skyline with this building in it. They are making us wait for more of that kind of detail!
Marketing is fascinating, isn't it?
Isn't this the same technique 1 Bloor used as I recall?
New rendering?

So it has at least FOUR of those elevated boxes that everyone here seems to hate. Although I like the look a lot better than just the lone one. The repetition makes it look less out of place.
Will this building be connected to PATH? It should, given the clientele that will most likely buy there.

Then again, would it be possible to extend PATH under the subway without major disruptions?
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There may be room to bring a PATH connection in through King Station. Subway stations are where the other east-of-Yonge connections plug into the system.

That said, the building location is a bit removed from the station, and would require a fairly long tunnel.
