Honestly I really like the look of the tower, but it's monstruous and inappropriate for the location.

The City should be pushing for this type of development to occur over current parking lots.

Inappropriate how? It's right in the downtown core.
it's a short block east of the financial district with commerce court and BCE on the corners.
Honestly I really like the look of the tower, but it's monstruous and inappropriate for the location.

The City should be pushing for this type of development to occur over current parking lots.


I absolutely love this building! I really hope that they don't cheap out (wishful thinking, I know...)
Fantastic looking building compared to a lot of other boring glass boxes. An appealing retro kinda look.
I didn't notice this until now, but it looks like there will be a vast improvement to the streetscape. I've always thought the RSA building was particularly oppressive. It has a glass facade, but it feels like a bunker (see: http://g.co/maps/nt9ak). Punching doors into the base of the historic facade will help as well. Most buildings turn their backs to Wellington in the financial district, so this will be a nice change.
Honestly I really like the look of the tower, but it's monstruous and inappropriate for the location.

The City should be pushing for this type of development to occur over current parking lots.

Leaving aside the merits or otherwise of this building, why do you think that "this type of development" should be built on a current parking lot? I assume that you would probably object to a 58 floor building on the parking lot surrounded by mid-rise or historic buildings. Surely one needs to always look at how a new building fits into an existing neighbourhood I agree with you that building on surface parking lots is a very good thing but a new development should always be judged on what it brings to the neighbourhood as well as on what it removes.
This is what the city need more of, buildings that actually care about their appearance, and making an effort to improve the skyline, instead of dropping down in front of the bank towers and blocking it with banal nothing architecture *cough*.

The top of this seems a bit odd, almost as if the final floor should be taken off to make the setbacks finish well, but overall this is great. Another step in slowly expanding the CBD east.
Inappropriate how? It's right in the downtown core.

It's across the street from Berczy Park, where the current set of mid-rises acts to soften the impact of the financial district's giant towers on the St. Lawrence neighbourhood.


A giant tower there will build an enormous wall on that corner.

I think this location is more appropriate for a 10 story building myself.
Well it's a good thing you're not in charge then (also a handy reminder of why the OMB is so important).

God forbid prioritising a public space over height, right? Those who said the towers at the foot of Yonge were too tall and too close to the water were also dismissed back in the day.

The area will still be great, and it will have a new great building to boot (assuming it isn't cheapened out), but 70 stories across the park from beautifully preserved/restored 5 story hundred year-old neighbours seems a bit much. Washington Square, for example, wouldn't be nearly as intimate as it currently is if it had these types of buildings on its edge.
Though despite its somewhat troubled past (more social than architectural), Bryant Park doesn't seem to have been degraded by its surroundings.
Bryant Park is surrounded by tall buildings on all sides, however. The historic buildings don't look insignificant compared to annything else built around it.

The proposed tower won't even fit in this picture:


I'd just prefer it if it didn't face the park. half a block away in any direction and I'd be thrilled with it.

In fact, if they put the tower not over the old building but over the newer one in the plot of land, I'd put all my support behind this.
I'd just prefer it if it didn't face the park. half a block away in any direction and I'd be thrilled with it.

You'd better not put it half a block away to the east! I can't see the height having much of an impact on the park. Because it's to the north-west, it won't cast a shadow. If anything, the improved streetscaping will really improve the park. If only we could replace that terrible suburban office park building directly to the west of the park.
