Does anyone know if they've submitted any elevations to the City yet?

If they've submitted a rezoning there should be elevations on file at the City. For all those up and arms about the yet-to-be-seen architecture of the building, it might be worth a trip to City Hall to take a look. As much as I haven't been the biggest fan of P+S in the past, I was actually quite impressed with the design, including the use of the heritage building.
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If they've submitted a rezoning there should be elevations on file at the City. For all those up and arms about the yet-to-be-seen architecture of the building, it might be worth a trip to City Hall to take a look. As much as I haven't been the biggest fan of P+S in the past I was actually quite impressed with the design, including the use of the heritage building.

Hey there! How would one go see the design/plan? Can the public request to view the submitted material? New city hall? Sorry, I have never done this but it sounds fun!
To be fair I've never done this myself, but it's my understanding that once an application has been submitted to the City it is available to the public. I think the deal is you can view material at City Hall but you can't take anything with you or make copies. For this application new City Hall would be the place to go.
To be fair I've never done this myself, but it's my understanding that once an application has been submitted to the City it is available to the public. I think the deal is you can view material at City Hall but you can't take anything with you or make copies. For this application new City Hall would be the place to go.

That's right, someone can go to the Planning Dept. at new City Hall and request to view the plans. The planner on file is Sarah Henstock and should be the one to speak to in this regard. It's usually best to call in advance and set up a time to view the plans. As Architecturefan said, no copies are allowed to be made. I would suspect the earliest a rendering or elevation drawing would be available is when the Notice of Planning Application sign is put up on the property. More often these signs have a rendering/elevation drawing printed on it.
So I guess the City doesn't post the elevations to their website until the Planning Application has been submitted. Thanks for the info guys.
I imagine this is or at least is going to be quite a rude surprise for the south facing residents of 7 King East. I imagine that is about the last thing they would have expected to pop up and block their sunlight.
When you sell your condo to someone, do you have to declare knowledge of something like this?
I know that in a city such as Manhattan, perfectly good solid and often not that old structures are routinely knocked down and replaced with taller buildings. I guess the numbers now are starting to justify for the same here. Still, it's a bit of a shock.
So I guess the City doesn't post the elevations to their website until the Planning Application has been submitted. Thanks for the info guys.

Not until the Preliminary Planning Report for the rezoning application goes to the Community Council. Same with Official Plan Amendments, which in this case are being done at the same time.
All these years and I had no idea 40 Scott was a mish-mash of buildings.

Not really; it's quite coherent, when you think of it. That old Classical Moderne corner building enveloped by a respectfully Postmodern addition. Doesn't sound terribly mish-mashy to me...
