L Tower is turning out to be a very well executed building by an internationally recognized architect. 88 Scott is by a middle of the road Toronto firm. I'm hoping for the best since I will have to look at it every day from work but they just aren't the same league. Don't think there's much more to say than that.

We have yet to see how the white blind effect alters the look of L tower, I have a feeling it will ruin the effect of the white stripes that go up the building. I think 88 Scott really could turn out looking better.

Post-modernism: Style and Subversion 1970-1990, V&A

It seemed exciting at first, yet was soon synonymous with the most vacuous side of modern culture. But what exactly was post-modernism, and how did it come to be so hated?

Well, people wrote the same sort of thing about modernism too. See, for example, Tom Wolfe's 1981 polemic, From Bauhaus To Our House. Fashions change.
Well, people wrote the same sort of thing about modernism too. See, for example, Tom Wolfe's 1981 polemic, From Bauhaus To Our House. Fashions change.

yes, i agree, fashions change: that's the point. and that's why Rumpelstiltskin buildings like 88 Scott are such a pathetic joke. the design is about as current (and authentic) as a Milli Vanilli song.
the design is about as current (and authentic) as a Milli Vanilli song.

So in your opinion, every contemporary building that mimics an older style (your first reference was to PoMo specifically, but the comment above doesn't make that distinction) is automatically a "pathetic joke," without any regard to its finished-product aesthetics? Do you say the same about "1 St. Thomas" and "The X"? :rolleyes: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery . I have no problem with imitation (even if the object(s) being imitated is not aesthetically pleasing to everyone), if done properly using high quality material. 88 Scott is one of the best looking proposals (if not the best) in my eyes.
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yes, i agree, fashions change: that's the point. and that's why Rumpelstiltskin buildings like 88 Scott are such a pathetic joke. the design is about as current (and authentic) as a Milli Vanilli song.
So the only reason you don't like 88 Scott is because the design is dated? Dated or not its better than most 'current' glass boxes we've been getting. Also, I don't know about you but I'd take a 1920/1930's style art deco building over any contemporary building we have proposed or UC today.
Agree 100% Most of the glass boring condos in that area are, well boring. At least 88 Scott is making a statement. The L tower is another. Glad to see this one going forward.
Definitely need to emphasis the point on PoMo. If we actually used quality materials and attempted to study the buildings and objects were attempting to emulate we might have interesting buildings. Instead we use crap material and we regularly screw up the emulation. Great example, how rarely do you find Second Empire-style windows done properly on PoMo buildings? The windows are regularly screwed up and made to look like cheap copies. PoMo has potential if it were just done properly instead of poorly.
PoMo or just another VanCan? 88 Scott is merely a resized version of typical Van(couver)Can(ned) Condo design. Yaletown meets Metrotown Centre towers resized on an old Toronto podium. Nothing special at all.

There is one simple explanation: cost = time & money. A template design (88 Scott) is simple to do. A vertical version of those cookie-cutter suburbs. Boring.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, UD. Can I ask what the direct opposite of that would be? Just build aA boxes everywhere?

Casa I
Casa II
Casa III
Casa IV
Casa V
Casa VI
Casa VII
Casa IX
Casa X

Actually, here's another suggestion. Let's just allow Concert to build 88 Scott, and ask them to put an "aA" plaque at the bottom once it's built. I'm sure that would be enough to receive your praise for outstanding architectural plaque or something.
PoMo or just another VanCan? 88 Scott is merely a resized version of typical Van(couver)Can(ned) Condo design. Yaletown meets Metrotown Centre towers resized on an old Toronto podium. Nothing special at all.

There is one simple explanation: cost = time & money. A template design (88 Scott) is simple to do. A vertical version of those cookie-cutter suburbs. Boring.

How is 88 Scott a template design?

I understand your point about cookie cutter condo designs, however, I definitely don't agree that 88 Scott is in that category.
PoMo or just another VanCan? 88 Scott is merely a resized version of typical Van(couver)Can(ned) Condo design. Yaletown meets Metrotown Centre towers resized on an old Toronto podium. Nothing special at all.

There is one simple explanation: cost = time & money. A template design (88 Scott) is simple to do. A vertical version of those cookie-cutter suburbs. Boring.

So, can you name a specific Vancouver condo building it resembles and, ideally, provide a photo? I'm sitting here, in my Vancouver condo, casting my mind around Yaletown, Coal Harbour and Metrotown and not coming up with one.

Since this is planned to be somewhat taller than Vancouver's Shangri La, there is certainly nothing like it here in scale.

Ironically, I first found this site as a result of searching the net to find more examples of Concert's work.
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Agree 100% Most of the glass boring condos in that area are, well boring. At least 88 Scott is making a statement. The L tower is another. Glad to see this one going forward.

Don't for a moment overlook what's been happening just south of here in St. Lawrence Market in the past decade along with Regent Park to the east.
Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 40 SCOTT ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 131614 SHO 00 PP Accepted Date: Mar 12, 2013

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Shoring

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a new 58 storey multi use building with 489 residential suites, ground floor retail and office space, and 5 levels of below grade parking with 362 parking spaces. See also 11 259298 STE.
Thanks for sharing. Forgive my ignorance but what's the purpose of that permit? I thought the building was already approved.
