To further that - 197-201 Yonge brought forth significant and unique community benefits (in terms of heritage preservation AND enhancement of a cultural resource that is designated as a National Historic Site. What comparable arguments can the proponents of this project muster to warrant using Massey Tower as an example?

No tangible community benefits, superb architecture is all.

This doesn't have the most pressing issue of windows/balconies on a property line that plagues that project however. I suspect this passes the OMB at the proposed 28s. While everything in it's immediate surroundings is much shorter, I sense the comparison Freed will be attempting to make it to the giants sprouting up just a block to the east.
To further that - 197-201 Yonge brought forth significant and unique community benefits (in terms of heritage preservation AND enhancement of a cultural resource that is designated as a National Historic Site. What comparable arguments can the proponents of this project muster to warrant using Massey Tower as an example?


I agree AoD, i meant tall tower by its shorter neighbours
I absolutely adore this tower! The folding screens with the lattice metalwork are stunning. The floor plate is tiny as well, so this will be very cool to watch rise!

Does anyone know about it's status?
Its hearing at the OMB starts today actually, one that's expected to last 3 weeks. It's normally a couple of months after that before the decision is released.

I wouldn't worry about roads here. Roads are something in the city that you forget about as only a very, very, very small amount of trips for someone living in a building like this makes is with a car. Transit, water, hydro, etc are the bigger concerns.

I also think that we should never limit growth because of infrastructure problems, we should build new infrastructure.
Cities were built for people, not cars.

It is time to rethink how we travel to/from and why.

Highways have no place in the cities because the urban sprawl people want to waste infrastructure money to support their low density and very expensive roads for their single seat ride. If they do, let them pay the full cost in doing so as the people who don't drive are supporting their lifestyle.

Get your fact right on streetcar/LRT/Trams for Dubai as they are building one that put Toronto to shame. I wish this happen here "Crown Prince sets out fines for Dubai Tram violations", as car driving would nose dive. You are also forgetting they have money coming out of the their ears with vast empty land at hand to build expensive items.

Parking standards need to be 50% or less than they are currently are, as we have no room to put the extra new 1.5 million cars arriving by 2031 if we don't.

This development should go ahead with 50% parking spot ratio 100%.
-David the realtor- I'm sorry what streetcar vs subway vote are you referring to? Toronto is not building and streetcars lines to my knowledge.
