This one is arriving at Council next week with a Settlement Offer.

The overhaul of the design is radical.

Height is modified from 33/19 to 40/23

The offer is here:

The new plans are here:

I'll start this one w/the renders: (There's some fascinating design choices here)


- Before more renders, see the giant missing part of the building......of course you do, this is their way of fixing privacy/overlook issues w/the residents of the adjacent building.




Ground Floor Plan:


Material Board below for the North and South elevations of the Yonge-facing building.





The offer:



What I don't understand is, why not add that volume to the shorter rear building? Build the portion immediately abutting the heritage building up to the height of the neighbouring terraces, everything above that gets moved to the west end of the site. The sky garden is interesting though, I'll give it that much.
Yeah, like they're really going to paint/clad those columns supporting the sky garden in black!
The new renderings are updated in the database. The storey count changed from 33 & 19 storeys to 40 & 23. The height changed from 113.87m & 69.02m to 138.23m & 84.00m. The unit count increased from 401 units to 425 units. The parking spaces decreased from 61 parking to 56 parking.
Though Council, with 2 amendments, one on parkland, the other the new Moise special on parking.



The obvious parkland choice here is to continue assembling the buildings fronting Avenue Road that abut Ramsden Park, with 2 applicants already having bought here, line up a third and you maybe get one demolition contract out of the lot at a tidy savings, and one base-park build that makes more coherent sense.
New minor changes added to the database. The unit count was reduced from 425 units to 410 units. The total car parking was reduced from 56 cars to 55 cars/. Finally, the total bike parking was reduced from 425 bike parking to 410 bike parking.

changes are taken from the arch plan via SPA.
