Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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Bousfields has registered to lobby in regards to a residential development of this site on behalf of Stafford Homes.

Location is Bathurst and Barton (between Bloor and Dupont)



Note, this site is currently was formerly considered a long-term care facility.

Aerial Pic:


Site Size: ~1600m2/ 17000ft2

Existing Height: 7s

Height Precedent: Nothing over 3s nearby, Mirvish Village is 340m to the south with a reference there of 26s, given a distance of ~300M to Bathurst Stn, there may be appeal to MTSA for height justifications.

Issues: Need to replace LTC beds currently on-site. As per @carrythezero, the LTC beds here are already closed. Adjacent to SFH
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The LTC here closed last year.

Good info; thanks! Do you know if the beds were relocated? And is the entire complex or a portion of it now vacant? Thanks for any info!
For a new condo, the minimum they'll aim for is probably 9 to 10 storeys. But I wouldn't be surprised if Stafford come out swinging for 12 to 15s as a starting point.
I live down the street and belong to the local FB group. We know that this was one of the for-profit LTC homes that were seriously affected by Covid, and they ultimately decided it was too much to do the repairs required to bring this home up to snuff. For the past several months the staff parking lot has been completely gated off and the word on FB is that the residents have all been relocated.
Application is into the AIC and * Docs are Up*


Architect is Turner Flesicher






No retail at-grade, townhomes. Hmmm


Landscape Plan: Trees on Bathurst, but no Silva Cells, and inadequate soil volumes per tree. No trees on Barton; can't see a reason for that in the Civil Drawings. No. Revise.

From the Planning Rationale Report:



Comments: I think the overall height is reasonable, but wonder if the height of the streetwall on Bathurst won't garner some push back. Architecturally, for T-F I don't mind this at all, though I wonder about the inclusion of residential on-grade here, I think the Bathurst ROW (Sidewalk) could probably due to be larger.

Landscape as noted above requires revision.

Parking Ratio of 0.54 seems quite high for this site, to me.
The current building, taken September 12:



I think it's interesting to see the cellular network infrastructure on top - clearly this was the tallest building in the area.
I agree, having TH units right on Bathurst Street is not ideal. It’s in close proximity to Bloor and the subway station so it would make sense to have retail along Bathurst to improve the pedestrian realm.
Is there any new data on this structure or is the project still under consideration?
The documents on the City's website are all from the August 17 submission. It's possible that some changes could be presented at tonight's meeting, but it's more likely to be relatively unchanged at this point.

