Does anyone else think the spandrel glass on the mechanical box of the taller tower is ugly? Is the baby-blue colour we see the final colour?

The patterned materials and colour are supremely disappointing. The building turned out better than the renderings, but they cheated on the top.
from today
Interesting pics showing a real mish-mash of designs, but Absolute really shines through the derivative shlock. I like the last pic- a sure sign that Spring is nigh.

The top really ruins an otherwise gorgeous building...

Is that the final result? Did they really think the current top would do an otherwise beautiful building justice? It's kind of hard to believe that after all the hard work they put into designing this building, they'd choose to cap it like that.
I don't like the daytime look of the top any more than the next guy. It is too light a colour compared to the balcony glass and looks like an undercoating... However, I believe their intent is to light the top at night and a lighter spandrel will reflect and illuminate floodlighting better than dark glass.

So they sacrificed its daytime look (and possibly its most photographed views) for a nighttime effect fewer people will see.... Unless... We can get a great photographer like Jasonzed to capture a fully lit version at twighlight and we'll get the best of both worlds.
random question:
would Absolute world be possible to build WITHOUT the balconies? cause i think they would look equally cool without them.
the top part does look slightly out of place and the cream-colour brings back memories of crystal blu. sure they look great at night, but during certain daylight conditions, it ain't look so pretty.
i would rather have continuity in using the same colour dark blue glass for the mechanical that what they used instead.
Add me to those that are disappointed by the poorly designed top. A wonderful tower looking like a decapitated Marilyn. For God's sake, it looks like a bottle cap from a generic bottle of 10 cent water.
When it comes to female icons of half a century ago. it's Jackie Kennedy who was known for her pillbox hats. Not Marilyn
Add me to those that are disappointed by the poorly designed top. A wonderful tower looking like a decapitated Marilyn. For God's sake, it looks like a bottle cap from a generic bottle of 10 cent water.

I'll second (or 78th) that! hahaha
Why didn't they keep the top the same colour as the rest of the bldg?
