^yes indeed...I moved to Erin Mills about 10 years ago and all that was really noticeable was the clock tower...

Jasonzed, all your pics are great but this one is my favourite!
That's why they are twisting towers, right? The look depends on the angle. Tower 5 looks skinny at Burnhamthorpe west of Hurontario.

This is the one that we (and most members in this forum) agree on. They look like pop bottles because of these.

They are not finished the podium yet. Maybe you haven't seen the picture below. The finished podium looks good to me.

It's fine the way it is for me because the tenants will mess the building up anyway.

This is my favourite project under construction in Canada! ;)

I still believe that the podium is weak. It just doesn't seem to match with the size of the towers. I do appreciate your straightforward response, instead of bashing my opinion like the next 2 posters.

Aleesia, nice rebuttal. From what I've seen of Ahmad's posts, he seems to want to piss people off by being totally contrarian to the views of the majority of the posters on any particular thread.

It sems Ahmad lacks significant girth.

I'm simply posting my opinion, and if that happens to be against the majority then so be it. I'm not trying to piss anyone off. Contrary to what you believe, the world is not "out to get you" :rolleyes:
I still believe that the podium is weak. It just doesn't seem to match with the size of the towers. I do appreciate your straightforward response, instead of bashing my opinion like the next 2 posters.

For me, it should be small to maximize the exposure of the towers. But again, beauty (and ugliness) is in the eye of the beholder. :D
Thanks Irishmonk, for the very funny reference to Jayne Mansfield. For the younger forum members who may not remember her: she was a very sexy B-movie actress of the 50s and 60s and decapitated in a car accident.

From her Wikipedia page:

Rumors that Mansfield was decapitated are untrue, though she did suffer severe head trauma. This urban legend was spawned by the appearance in police photographs of a crashed automobile with its top virtually sheared off, and what resembles a blond-haired head tangled in the car's smashed windshield. It is believed this was either a wig Mansfield was wearing or was her actual hair and scalp. The death certificate stated the immediate cause of Mansfield's death was a "crushed skull with avulsion of cranium and brain."
Jasonzed, all your pics are great but this one is my favourite!

I agree. JZ your archive of these towers has been absolutely sensational. You should start threads in other sky-forums called "World's Most Beautiful Twins" and lead with the pic above...
I believe abcde was referring to this:

On a separate note, while I must give Cityzen credit for building something so iconic, I really detest the look of these towers. The shorter one looks absolutely horrible (it appears concave (read: "fat") in most photographs), and the tops of both towers are extremely distasteful. Also, the fact that there was no ultimate design intent with the balconies (ie they wrap around the entire floor on every floor of both buildings), the embarrassingly weak podium, and the lack of ANY interesting features in the facade make this project one of my least favourites currently under construction.

I do realize that I'm being a little harsh in judging these towers, but I find the developer's "we have an iconic design, therefore we can completely skimp out on the podium, interesting facade, etc., etc." ideology deplorable.

And who the F are you? The international authority on architecture? What are your credentials? How can you assume that the developer is "skimping out"? Have you visited the site? That should change your mind. And are the projects finished yet? No, so let's just pocket our ignorant, snide remarks.
I personally dont like the taller one as much as the... ehhem "fat" one... i dont know why but the shorter one looks like it has more of a twist to me...
I personally dont like the taller one as much as the... ehhem "fat" one... i dont know why but the shorter one looks like it has more of a twist to me...

I thought I like the big one better but lately I am not so sure anymore. It really depends as stated earlier here on your perspective, the current light conditions. But I am adamant that I would like to see different tops but to be honest I would not know what exactly would look better for me.
And who the F are you? The international authority on architecture? What are your credentials? How can you assume that the developer is "skimping out"? Have you visited the site? That should change your mind. And are the projects finished yet? No, so let's just pocket our ignorant, snide remarks.

We may not know who he is but maybe where from: Toronto. Just kidding! Everyone got different taste1
i dont know why but the shorter one looks like it has more of a twist to me...

Every floor of the shorter 50-storey tower rotates 4 degrees from the floor below it. The taller 56-storey tower varies in its rotation: 1 degree between floors near the bottom and the top, but increasing gradually to 8 degrees per floor over halfway up, where the building appears to have hips.

And who the F are you? The international authority on architecture? What are your credentials? How can you assume that the developer is "skimping out"? Have you visited the site? That should change your mind. And are the projects finished yet? No, so let's just pocket our ignorant, snide remarks.

Excuse my language, but you're exactly the type of intolerant, pretentious idiot I hate dealing with on this forum. I simply stated my opinion. Nowhere in my post did I claim to be an authority on architecture. I don't assume that the developer is skimping out, I know so from looking at the top of what many here have called the "decapitated" buildings.:rolleyes: The project may not be finished, but you've clearly formulated your opinion that this will be your new deity based on what has been constructed so far; am I not free to do the same? It's laughable how ironic your use of the word "ignorant" is. Perhaps you can learn something from aleesia who disagreed with my opinion in a civil manner instead of resorting to brute comments that, I am sure, have lowered your image on this forum.

Every floor of the shorter 50-storey tower rotates 4 degrees from the floor below it. The taller 56-storey tower varies in its rotation: 1 degree between floors near the bottom and the top, but increasing gradually to 8 degrees per floor over halfway up, where the building appears to have hips.


Interesting post, I've always assumed that the more prominently rotated floors around the middle were just my imagination's doing. Thanks interchange!
Thanks Irishmonk, for the very funny reference to Jayne Mansfield. For the younger forum members who may not remember her: she was a very sexy B-movie actress of the 50s and 60s and decapitated in a car accident.

Glad someone finally got the joke. ;-)
Jasonzed. I think the developper should invite you at least in case there is a party at the end of the construction.
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