They mentioned the first tower is complete, does that mean the tops of the towers wont be reclad in a darker shade to match the lower sections of themselves?

are we really still having this debate?

For sure it will match... what builder in their right mind would leave such an eye sore (referring to the few darker panels)...

I disagree that it doesnt "match" as it exists now. These towers look great with the nice little "cap" on top. And if you really want to get picky they appear to be a light blue gray colour in most of the pictures on this page other than the bright sunlit ones. With the fritted pattern on the balconies of tower 2 the cap appears to match perfectly.
Okay, dumb question time again.. Why do (some) of the balconies on the shorter tower look visibily different from the taller one?

Is it just a reflection from the the other buildings?

You can really notice it here:


I'm talking about the panels that look much less transparent than the others.

Hmm, ask a stupid question, get a stupid, I won't do that:

Because they are different. The builder decided to mix things up. Think of this as fraternal twins, rather than identical twins. this tower, there is a pattern of waves in the balconies - with fritted glass for the opaque portion, and clear glass for the clear portion - creating that 'swirl' effect....
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yep...I think they are using the same idea in the 'barbershop pole' proposal for 90 Harbour...

The balcony glass on tower E is looking great. Really sleek and smooth. The top of "bottle cap" of Tower E does match with the balcony glass.
Ya, still no change to those yet. Maybe they're waiting for the glass to be complete on both towers? They have posted here a few times now that the tops are not the final look, so it's just a matter of when.
The shorter tower has become the more attractive of the two, in my opinion. I think the fritted glass definitely accentuates the curves and makes the whole assembly look a lot sleeker.
