That big parking deck immediately to the north sure is depressing.

I assume it'll be depressed into the ground in the coming years.

Can't happen soon enough!

^most likely not as I'm pretty sure that half of the parkade was just recently completed
^ It reduced the area required for surface parking. It's too bad that the towers on Robert Speck Parkway weren't built with all-underground parking, but that's unfortunately the economics of office towers in Mississauga. If you were to require underground parking in the City Centre (construction cost in the range of $15,000 per space), the office towers might not get built at all. They would be built instead in the Heartland area, or Meadowvale, with all-surface parking sprawling all over the place.

Edit: I hope Martinsizon can provide some more pics. He seems to have a good vantage point from which to take them.
Mississauga centre's parking deck is nothing like that in suburban Detroit's Southfield Town Center. It's a suburban downtown literally built around a parking garage.

Absolute's plans has changed so much in character from what was originally planned - a series of meh buildings surrounded by a security fence, and not the type of thing you wanted for trying to urbanize MCC. Kudos is deserved there.

As for oppressive parking lots - the one for the Standish Court office tower (off of Hurontario and the 401) is much, much worse, and hell for someone arriving by transit.,-79.685093&spn=0.005669,0.00928&t=k&z=17&om=1
and hell for someone arriving by transit.

It doesn't affect people coming in by transit. The bus stop is on the opposite side of the building. People arriving by transit don't even have to look at the parking garage.

Im surprised so much surface parking was built around the parking garage. I wonder how much of the building is leased out. It looks so dead during the day with a huge empty parking lot.
Absolute Order...

No - this is not another tower by Fernbrook... i am just trying to sort out my records on the Absolute towers. I have 5 of them and then this rendering from their ad and was hoping someone could help me identifying which one is which (proper names) and what are their heights / floors, so i can update my listings:


btw - my guess is there are 2 completed, the one that says 80%sold and phase 2... the one to the top-right of the 80%sold one is the 3rd one under construction and the 2 along hurontario are the absolute world. but i need confirmation. thanks
Absolute's plans has changed so much in character from what was originally planned - a series of meh buildings surrounded by a security fence, and not the type of thing you wanted for trying to urbanize MCC. Kudos is deserved there.

I think they did not change the plans enough. Absolute needed a complete overhaul, imo. It is so disappointing how little it will add to MCC, no streetwall, no retail, no podium. Even Ovation and Universal are much better than this, and they are not in nearly as important a location as Absolute is.
That big parking deck immediately to the north sure is depressing.

I assume it'll be depressed into the ground in the coming years.

Can't happen soon enough!


Will not happen any time soon.

They just added the 2nd deck for the southern end last year.

I believe that the lower level will be use for the MA's as both towers are going to have one 1 parking spot per unite and you know people in Mississauga have more than 2.

The last time I check in 2005, the average was 2.75 cars per house/condo/apartment.
It doesn't affect people coming in by transit. The bus stop is on the opposite side of the building. People arriving by transit don't even have to look at the parking garage.

Hurontario, a main transit corridor, and Britannia, a secondary transit corridor, are still quite the hike. You'd have to take the rush hour bus from Islington or take a really roundabout way (67) to get to that building from the front.

I think Absolute is a few steps above the original plan posted on this page, at least for interest. I will agree a better streetwall is badly needed, and still won't really contribute to the pedestrian realm of MCC.
Just a couple of pics from today, showing the progress at the Absolute site....

3rd tower, Absolute Vision, is progressing and getting close to its ultimate height of 35 stories...


Hole for Absoluteworld, aka Marilyn, getting deeper, still no crane....

