Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Does anyone know when they stop showing them at BCE place today? I'd like to swing by with my camera but I can't make it until about 6pm.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

The designs will be on display somewhere in Mississauga ( City Hall? That big mall? I forget which ... ) tomorrow.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Gerald H Stein's (of Zeidler) design looks buildable for cheap, and it's handsome enough, but hardly iconic as BB has mentioned. Same with Colthoff's (of Quadrangle) design - it's really just staggered balconies - and not as handsome: how did it beat out some of the runners-up?

Ma and Rojkind's plans are certainly stunning, and either would be iconic, but also look to be the most expensive to build.

The Messer and Boyarski buildings I think would also work as icons - Messer's more so, and again it looks expensive to build.

So maybe Boyarski comes in with the cheapest to build but still potentially iconic building?

Only the detailed design phase of the competition will tell...

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

I think the Messer could serve as iconic and wouldn't necessarily be that expensive to build.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

...and speaking of the runners-up:

Mangera's tower looks cool in the rendering, but could its absolutely smooth surface be realized?

Bertaux's tower looks like it's twisting in the wind, maybe for the last time...

Nardi's tower looks like it should not have made it into the runners-up. It doesn't strike me as anything special at all.

Donner's twist is interesting, but the repetitive diagonals are rather gaudy.

Prabhu's tower is reminiscent of the clock tower at Mississauga City Hall: this one should have made it into the finals for further refinement.

Pillard's tower could have been explored more too.

Cusimano's looks like a giant switchblade-cum-erection. While I'm occasionally in the mood for that, it's a little too obnoxious most of the time, and I'm glad it didn't make the short list.

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Ma and Rojkind's are (to repeat) certainly stunning. If I were to pick, it would be Ma's, simply for being so sensual. Rojkind's would certainly be the most unusual and thus I doubt it would be picked as the winning design, as amazing as it would be to see it built.

As much as I like Aa's and Core's work, these designs are stunningly great, granted we are talking about a substantially different budget level. We could do with some radically different variations on the 'modern box.'
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec


Yes, in my mind I immediately compared Ma and Rojkind, qualitatively, to the best of the sleek Toronto new modernism of Clewes etc. - and thought what a nice counterpoint. If ever there was a "next big thing" to follow our elegant and restrained new modernist locals, in my mind's eye it would be Ma's sexy siren tower or Rojkind's throbbing gristle tower with the little red veins inside ( which don't show up well on the rendering ).
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Very interesting designs ... hope one of them gets built because it will move Mississauga forward in terms of interesting architecture in this city.

This building would be a landmark for Mississauga!
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Some of these are really amazing. Especially Michel Rojkind and Yansong Ma's, but I also really like the Zeidler design too. Simple and elegant but probably wouldn't have quite the same jaw-dropping effect as the other two.

edit: typos
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Good for Mississauga. The final result should be quite promising.

Personally I'd rather have Ma than the Zebra.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Some interesting designs, IMO I think they'll just go with which ever will be the cheapest and earn them the most money. The Ziedler one is where I'd put my money if I was a betting man.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

I like the Ma as well except the podium is week. Why not continue with the look all the way to the ground? Be pretty cool if other developers took the ones that don't make the cut and build them elsewhere in the GTA.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

I was quite pleased with the designs myself. Great to see BB there to share in my excitment!

Great day for Mississauga!

I'm also off to City Hall tonight to launch phase 2 of the City Centre Placemaking process.

Also pleased to annouce that David Crombine and the Canadian Urban Institute will be hosting the "Mississauga City Forum: "Moving Forward" on February 28 at the Living Arts Centre.

It will be an opportunity for the business community, politicans from all levels of government, policymakers and experts in the field of urban growth to share experiences and discuss how to shape Mississauga's emerging City Centre.

The invitation is pretty neat and includes a picture of a sleek LRT Line running against the backdrop of the MCC. It's a sign of things to come I tell ya!

