I never used the word think once, I said it sounds like it, I was asking for clarification on your exact position. So the question remains if you want to answer it directly, what are you thinking?


I'm thinking exactly what I've said - that we can't be sure if he's on the project or not. Why you'd think that sounds like me not wanting him on the project, I'd have no idea. I'd love to see what he could come up with.
It's interesting to hear about Alsop's involvement from Ed Sajecki, Missisauga's Planning Commissioner, as opposed to from Cityzen. I wonder how the phone calls were worded that got all that going... Anyway, one would assume that Alsop is involved, or his name would not be mentioned in the article. Had he said 'no', they would have found someone else, and we would have been told that name.

Anyway, what extraordinary news - this amazing pair of buildings with a deadly dull and inappropriate base is getting a makeover from one of the world's most imaginative architects. Will Alsop be able to come up with the perfect horizontal response to these vertical beauties? I am very much looking forward to finding out...


PS - sorry about the Will Alsop silly wordplay sentence construction, but I couldn't stop myself...
I wonder why the original architects couldn't just modifiy the base. Are they still involved?
It would be odd not to first ask Ma to redesign the base. Maybe they weren't happy with the redesigns. It is conceivable that Alsop could have been hired merely as an advisor to Ma.

I think I read somewhere (an article posted in this thread??) that Ma refused to redesign the base. Some shit about how Mississauga should embrace its suburban character or something like that. I am happy the city is not accepting it and maybe Absolute will become a decent development after all.
He's a pretty young architect - isn't it a little soon for him to be practicing the profession's famed arrogance?

If you're right Doady, it serves him right: the client still pays the bills

Whooooa ... architects around the world are ripping off Mr. Ma's design... pissing off his major commission (Mr. and Mrs. Sauga) may be a bit premature and not the wisest long-term plan. Rethink.

Slap. You won the competition It wasn't perfect but we loved it.

It was perfect.


You are not Frank Loyd Wright and we have not asked you to design a tower in a farmer's field.

Former farmer's field... but you get what I'm saying......
I think I read somewhere (an article posted in this thread??) that Ma refused to redesign the base.

Shades of "The Fountainhead". Hopefully Mr. Ma won't go all Howard Roark and blow up the podium when it's finished.
I actually prefer the Miami building to absolute World.

