At first I thought they were small too, but in person the size looks pretty much exactly how they did in the renders.
Absolute is up 4 floors

pic is by sammo
I find that the tower (i know its early) but the tower looks alot skinnier that in the renders. kind of looks a little too skinny to me.
update by Jasonzed over at SSC......working on the 5th floor now...




the fifth tower is only about one level below grade now...steady progress....


all pics by Jasonzed....
Is Absolute World sold out? How long did it take, and what was the average asking price?
The first tower sold out the first day I think.
The second tower went quick too as far as I know.
May 17 2009 update

just a quick drive by shooting :eek:

Thanks. You think developers would learn from this and equate great design with sales. Doesn't seem to be happening.

It depends on the location. The psf at this site and the additional construction costs don't necessarily lay the foundation for solid results. Also as I noted in my previous post these towers are not sold out (and the first three towers also have a few inventory units remaining). Many competitors are playing the wait and see game with respect to how things actually work out. Also I'd suggest that many of those watching are somewhat skeptical with respect to execution and gambling on an architect with little practical experience. There is still a long way to go for the project to be deemed either an architectural or financial success.
Thanks. You think developers would learn from this and equate great design with sales. Doesn't seem to be happening.

To further Mike's informative post...

You do know that the three hideous, Pinnacle-esque beasts behind what many seem to think is the whole Absolute complex (the two 'Marilyn' towers) were required to make the 'iconic' (wow, I hate that word) towers financially viable?

