Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

^ Not a bad idea, considering we already have a mini version of another losing entry:


Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

hmm, they seem to have posted all the entries at the absolute website, here's a look.....

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

I could picture that Israeli entry from Joseph Cory at the eastern end of Dundas Square, only with commercial, not residential use. That would be cool...:)
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Wow, imagine some of those going up here?? Wow

Only drag is it is Miss and not downtown
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

What strikes me as interesting are the firms that are NOT in the competition.

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

I would like to see the tower from the Siberia team incorporated into Coupland's worlds longest tobogan run at city.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

What strikes me as interesting are the firms that are NOT in the competition.

Competitions like this hope that top level firms enter, just to generate some interest and publicity. Firms like Foster, KPF, Gerhy and the likes are probably not drawn to this level of competition for that reason. Lets face it , this a condo in the middle of a Canadian suburb. Chances of a condo developer spending the kind of money it takes to build the quality of building designed by the busiest and best, rarely happens. Remember S.O.M.'s Minto at Y/E. That wasn't even a competition. What I find odd is that AA, Bing Thom, KPMP, Diamond and other notable Canadian firms are missing. Maybe they see this competition for the publicity stunt it is, as well. That or they have enough comissioned work to keep them busy. If this were a civic building, musuem, or gaint corporate signature building, there may have been some enteries from those missing firms.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

And remember that the Toronto City Hall competition wasn't all that "star-studded", either--no Corbu, no Mies, no Breuer, etc etc.

Oh, and re derivatives of Saarinen's Tribune, the Whitney Block tower (which is later than the rest of the block) is more a derivative of a derivative, i.e. a straight knockoff of the Bank of Commerce. (Meanwhile, in detail if not form, the most Saarinenesque of all IMO is Canada Permanent...)
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Pick up the condo life mag today.

Some really nice pictures are posted.

I will try and post if no one else is able.

Ground breaking designs for the most part. Too bad its in mississauga and not toronto.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec


The designs have already been posted here.

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

oopsy daisy.....

sorry about that.

well there is a was a 2 page article that goes with the pictures.

but its too late was in yesterdays paper.
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Which paper?
Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

Obs. Walt:

Condo Life mag - came with the Star last week.

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

btw: I like the Toronto designers drawings most.

I like Ma's design as well but its not likey to get built due to cost. It kind of resembles caltrava's turning torso.

I watched a documentary on this building on TVO and it seemed it almost backrupted a Swedishing home co-op company.

Re: Architects from 70 Countries bidding for Absolute Projec

At Square One they have the large versions of the renderings on display, and seeing those I think the Stein design is actually very good, better than it looks on the website. Same with Ma's design, which is the one I voted for. I don't think Ma's design will be that expensive because it doesn't look as tall as the other ones.
