My silly sense of humour is at it again...


(Original courtesy jasonzed at SSP with my crazy-brained Photoshop renderwork)

[Note:The label reads:Absolut World Vodka, Country of Mississauga, This superb Condo was grown in the rich fields of southern Mississauga, 75% Sold/ Vol, Not Imported]

lol.. nice
Take your awful photoshop "skills" somewhere else. You just made a mockery of a fine development, shameful!!
Actually having an Absolut ad modeled after your product is considered a very high honour in many parts of the world. Even the Simpsons new opening credit sequence has Marge reading a magazine with an image of "Absolut Krusty". So, you're probably a knee-jerk reactionist with no sense of humour. If not, and you are just ignorant of the product and it's cultural influence...

Perhaps you could enlighten yourself by reading up on the subject...

Absolut Vodka Ad collection link:

Or the Wikipedia article instead....

Wikipedia Link:
I still haven't come around to seeing that as clever or creative, let alone funny as it was intended. Sorry.

As I said in my PM reply to your grumpy letter - it's about as funny as those t-shirts that say "I'm not as think as you stoned I am".

And khristopher... there are all sorts of abbreviations and internet memes that make their way around this forum. You've never used terms like lol or fugly? It's not as though I posted nothing but IBTL or something useless - consider it an appropriately funny response to a funny post (my first actual and possible last usage of the term ever, for what it's worth).
If by 'silly' you mean that you laugh at your own jokes because no one else does, then yeah - silly FTW!

I still haven't come around to seeing that as clever or creative, let alone funny as it was intended. Sorry.

Was there any point to these useless comments? Believe it or not, no one cares if you find it funny or not. Doesn't take away at all from our enjoyment.
I think its an interesting building and I like the idea of it, but I still can't find a reason to like it.
Every time I open this thread I'm hoping to finally see photos showing that they've started on the balcony glass. I'm sure it'll make a massive impact to how the tower looks once that starts happening.
The baclony glass will make a difference, but much moreso on the second building. The plan appears to have considtently colored glass on the more curvy AW1, while the more subtle shape of AW2 will have 2 toned balcony glass that accents the building in a more elegant way (IMO).

In the image below, the close up on the upper right best shows the balcony glass on AW2:

