from today
Does anyone else think the spandrel glass on the mechanical box of the taller tower is ugly? Is the baby-blue colour we see the final colour?
I think it's the final colour. Why they didn't leave it clear I don't know :(
What's up with that podium? It doesn't match the towers at all. It's so blah. These towers are too sexy for that podium.
I thought the top part ofthe tower was just being covered by something. And then after the completion, tey were gonna like get rid of the cover. Or is that going to be the new colour?
Does anyone else think the spandrel glass on the mechanical box of the taller tower is ugly? Is the baby-blue colour we see the final colour?

It does look off from the rest of the building. Maybe they just put it in temporarily so it can shield the workers working at the top from the cold... least, that's what I'm hoping.
yes, its going to be a blue lighting effect for the top. I cant believe so many people dont like it the way it looks! how could it possibly be clear glass with mechanical elements inside? as I stated awhile ago, it makes sense to me that it has a cap or lid at the top.
"The rotund"? Now that it's 50 storeys, or so, Tower 5 is looking pretty lithe to me.

It's just that from certain angles, it looks like it has a bit of a belly. I'm certainly not knocking it - it's a beautiful building.
Actually, you're right: depending on the direction you see these buildings from, they come off completely differently. Great design...

