I wouldn't deem it brutalist - brutalism was all about rawness and exposure. This project has a very high level of finish, even where it has exposed surfaces. (Interestingly, the term brutalism originally had nothing to do with concrete.) But I'm probably splitting hairs.

Is there an estimated opening date for the hotel? Which brand is the hotel going to be operating as?

No 'debate' necessarily, but there are a mix of finishes in this one - polished below and board-formed up top. Also the brown tile floor is to *die* for. Noticed this the other day in the old part of Calgary Airport and got nostalgic for a bygone era. I'll welcome this if it comes to be!
I wouldn't deem it brutalist - brutalism was all about rawness and exposure. This project has a very high level of finish, even where it has exposed surfaces. (Interestingly, the term brutalism originally had nothing to do with concrete.) But I'm probably splitting hairs.

Is there an estimated opening date for the hotel? Which brand is the hotel going to be operating as?
It's obviously a more modern twist on it - but from my untrained architectural eye it meets all the same criteria. Exposed concrete with some sort of finish to it (there is a lot of board formed stuff from the 70's, just like this), the tile floor as mentioned by ProjectEnd, and even down to the furniture. Those chairs look right out of a 1970's dorm room common area.
Those chairs look right out of a 1970's dorm room common area.
I noticed the chairs too! Worth noting that Shim Sutcliffe are also accomplished furniture designers as well as architects, so I'm sure they've put a lot of thought into how these spaces will be furnished.

Here's their HAB chair and table -- sadly a bit outside my price range:
Unless things have changed - I thought it is going to be an Ace Hotel.

The only thing the developers have claimed is that it's going to be the first Canadian location for a boutique hotel chain, and years ago they denied to us that it was Ace…

therefore Ace is not in the database file nor thread title, nor mentioned in any of the front page stories.

it's not mentioned anywhere on their website either
What a breath of fresh air. Materials, proportions, form, surprises, all coming together nicely. I love the beveled, dark edges on the concrete arches. I’m generally not a fan of raw concrete but the way it’s used here is exceptionally successful.
I expect it to be wonderfully detailed and clad, but I can't help but think that it looks a bit strange right now to have a metal hinge connected to a concrete structure, whereas usually you'd be expecting it to be attracted to metal forms instead.
it looks a bit strange right now to have a metal hinge connected to a concrete structure

Agreed. I like it, and I think it's interesting, but... it's the sort of thing that if you were an architecture student and your studio project had included, Brigitte Shim would tear you apart for it.
