I agree. Bata's destruction has left a bad taste in a lot of peoples' mouths that won't soon go away.
found another building with concrete trees - Dar-es-salaam airport:



BTW - is there any work happening on the site or is it quiet again?
Demolition has been completed. The only thing left are the three flagpoles. I've heard that there will be a ground breaking ceremony for the new project sometime this year.
Can't wait to greet "His Highness" with my sign. How about "AKF SNUBS CDN HERITAGE."
The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to occur in mid May. The Prime Minister and the Mayor among other government leaders and civic officials will be present with His Highness the Aga Khan.

Oh, wouldn't it be nice to have a new Prime Minister by then? One can dream...


We're loosing some trees but we're gaining a mountain.

You're not losing trees - there will be *many* more trees than there are currently. Moving all of the required parking underground (at great expense I might add) is allowing for expansive garden space.
Just as I feared that we would run dry of cultural projects in town, along comes this to pick up the slack. Post-AGO, then, we will have the Film Festival Centre, the Ryerson Gallery and the Aga Khan. I guess that will sustain me until Humanitas starts up.
I was trying to imagine how a scenario ( made some time ago on another thread ), which sees this expansive grouping of buildings and landscaping shoehorned into the Pier 27 site, would work. And I can't. I think it needs plenty of breathing room between the buildings.
The Car Barns are coming along as well.

Did anyone else read (on this site) that UofT was considering turning the Homemaking Building at Bloor and Queen's Park into an art centre?
Yes, I remember that, rdaner, and it was to possibly happen in 2010. That would also be great, you couldn't have a better location for a new art gallery.
