Fantastic ...

This picture shows the main car access / car port for the cultural centre.

Now this picture is very much appreciated, as we've not seen this angle from the West. Looks like there is still a lot more construction to go there based on the concrete protruding upwards. My recollection is that there are some very large skylights on this portion of the project and also an inner garden on the roof of one of the elements. Is that Jim Bowie in the window of the condo building?
I'm looking forward to glass! But I think there is still a ways to go. From what I've seen on some of Jim's newer pictures on flickr, it looks like quite a bit has been happening on the roof of the museum. Frames for some of the details have been going in. Hard to see progress on the domed theatre, as that is on the far corner from Jim's angle. Updates on the Ismaili Centre side are more difficult to see, and from yyzer's pictures, we know that to see construction updates on that side, you really need to walk around the west end of the lot. The Ismaili Centre has a lot of details on it, so it may be worthwhile for another walk around that far side. There are several spaces with irregular looking sky lights and I recall a roof top and/or enclosed garden there also.

One thing that I sense, and have for a long time, is that we will only be able to appreciate the overall project by visiting in person when it is done. I sure hope there are opportunities, and I suspect there will be, for the public to see the different spaces and details. I continue to be intriuged by the interaction between the two complexes and the gardens. There are subtle elevation changes, hidden vantages, varieties of materials and textures, reflections, etc. that will create a unique experience I think.
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Thanks Jim,
As usual Photos are great.
I can understand at this stage it is difficult to see big changes in structure work, but even the small changes are good to see.
Kindly do us a favour and at least update once every fortnight.
Look forward to your new update soon.

Thanks Jim,
As usual Photos are great.
I can understand at this stage it is difficult to see big changes in structure work, but even the small changes are good to see.
Kindly do us a favour and at least update once every fortnight.
Look forward to your new update soon.


Hint ...

If you follow Jim's photos on flickr, you can sometimes see construction updates in the background of his pictures of his jumping cat and cute dog Tucker around his balcony :)
Thanks for the hint.

Will try to look more closely at the photos form now on. May get to see some glimpes.

