
Staff member
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Apr 23, 2007
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Looks like we got us here the first suburban GO station expansion for RER purposes in Toronto make it to the Site Plan Application stage.


A bunch more renderings coming in the database file.



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Nice! It's going to be such an upgrade for us poor Stouffville line riders once we start getting these Lakeshore-quality stations (and eventually something approaching Cadillac Lakeshore service).
The difference in Stouffville service from 5 years ago is already night and day - at least if your station is Unionville or south.
Looks like we got us here the first suburban GO station expansion for RER purposes in Toronto make it to the Site Plan Application stage.

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A bunch more renderings coming in the database file.


I will grant that these are renders and not working drawings.

However, at first blush I'm going to take issue w/the parking lot.

I know they wouldn't want to lose precious spaces.......but, I take issue w/the lack of any obvious measure to combat the urban heat island effect or address stormwater/flooding.

We really have to stop w/the blacktop parking lots that are impervious and unshaded.

What I would like to see is something in range of 17 spaces swapped for high-quality tree planting of shade trees that will project a large canopy at maturity and the use of permeable paving (ideally, the whole lot, but I'd settle for the lot being graded with a gentle slope and one side being permeable for the last few metres with some kind of swale feature thereafter to absorb most/all residual runoff.

Also, not something we would necessarily see in the renders, but I think its important to set aside 2 parking spots minimum for carshare as part of reducing car dependency and making transit more attractive.

Further, where's the green roof?

Note: I have now read the detailed plans and have commented in the post below.
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Update, reading the landscape plans, there are trees.

23 shade trees in total, including Red Oak, Autumn Blaze Maple and Red Maple.

I'm mostly happy w/that, except, that the detailed plan shows all the trees either in the norther portion of the site or a small number in the westernmost part of the large lot closer to Sheppard.

To minimize daytime heating in the summer, you must reduce (mitigate) southern/overhead sunlight in that southerly lot. A row of trees at the southern limit and 4 strategically placed trees within the south portion of the lot would be a reasonable effort.

But one would also prefer a parking surface that isn't black.

Bonus points however for an almost 100% native tree/shrub list. (also planned are white and red cedar, maple-leaved viburnum and fragrant sumac. )


Also read the storm water management plan.....its not could be more ambitious.

There are cisterns to collect water and water storage on the canopies themselves. The canopy water will be used to flush toilets at the station (grey water recycling).

Also there are swales for portions of the parking lot and these will have retention/infiltration capabilities.

However, there is no permeable paving in the plan, and the plan does not really address runoff from adjacent areas that come onto site.

They appear to have opted for the minimums in the Wet Weather Flow guidelines rather than an ideal.

The site will be able to manage flows for typical small 2-year storm events. But it would appear that larger storms would generate overland sheeting and substantial storm water.

A bit more ambition would be nice.

The site would not (it appears) be able to handle the type of storm we just received in an ideal manner.

In a world where such events will become more common, I think the bar should be higher.
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Yes great build out but both Agincourt and Milliken not having any GO service after 8pm on weekdays? What is going on...
