
recession proof
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Apr 23, 2007
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Site Plan Approval 10 319388 STE 22 SA Ward 22
- Tor & E.York Dec 23, 2010 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Proposed is a 10 storey mixed-use building with 165 residential units with retail at-grade. A total of 185 parking spaces including 20 visitor spaces will be provided for in 3 levels of below-grade parking. - See Previous Rezoning application


Formerly, dated 22 April 2009, a proposal for 1994-2008 Yonge St: http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2009/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-20944.pdf includes building renders--very conservative brick and precast shlock by P+S. Perhaps site is to be developed in phases?

Currently includes a 3s retirement home at 7 Glebe Rd W, Glebe Manor Retirement Residence, to be redeveloped I suspect--perhaps as a retirement condo building?
The Glebe Manor retirement home has been demolished. The Google Street View from Glebe Street which shows the building is obsolete. The view from Yonge Street, looking west on Glebe is more recent, and shows behind the Board Sports store the parking lot which replaced the retirement home.

Wow, what a babe!!

Oh....umm yeah, the condo's alright. I like the massing along Yonge, and also looks like retail at grade. This area brings back good memories from high school.
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You might wish to have a look at the ad in Saturday's Star. You can see a bit more of the model.

Haha. You caught that too huh? That's what actually made me aware of this project as I was having lunch today and reading the paper.
May 29


Ha ha, unlikely that many such babes (single ones, at least) will be found living in this building. The target market would probably consist more of middle aged and above-middle-income couples.

I think the building looks reasonably good although unexciting. Hope that the units are well soundproofed, especially at the west end, which will directly overlook the above-ground subway.
Interesting, I'm not seeing it. I think that model looks kind of strange; almost reminds me of one of the Kardashians (not a good thing).
Allure Has secret new offering

I heard the Allure will be offering purified water at every tap in the building.
If so that is so leading edge and timely. With all the old and leaking water pipes and water main breaks that should be a very exciting benefit to buy there.
