"Many" condos are sitting empty in the city? Really? I highly doubt that
Does nobody on this site read newspapers/news sites?




It was reported in a lot of places so I'm surprised people still don't know about it
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We read, but we do so with a sufficiently critical eye that such that we don't necessarily equate 2% with "many" and blithely assume that this condo will sit empty.
I wish my upstairs neighbour's condo was empty. Where's my 2%?

Ever since I was wee I've dreamt of living on the waterfront. Didn't realise til I was older that I'd probably have to rent to do so. Didn't realise til I was even older that I can't even afford to rent there. My income has been steadily increasing for the last 15 years but rents have increased more. My dream homes continue, year after year to be about 150-300$/mth out of reach. Middle class living in Toronto is getting scarce.

I really like the look and feel of those balconies. If I had known, I would have started saving in the 90s.
This site is what WT calls parcels A1 and A2, right? If so, in the latest WT C1 doc, they've got the name wrong for this development on the slide below (they have it as Aqualina), then they're targeting an "early 2019" construction start date for what they should be calling Waves on the slide.



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I wish my upstairs neighbour's condo was empty. Where's my 2%?

Ever since I was wee I've dreamt of living on the waterfront. Didn't realise til I was older that I'd probably have to rent to do so. Didn't realise til I was even older that I can't even afford to rent there. My income has been steadily increasing for the last 15 years but rents have increased more. My dream homes continue, year after year to be about 150-300$/mth out of reach. Middle class living in Toronto is getting scarce.

I really like the look and feel of those balconies. If I had known, I would have started saving in the 90s.
Is there such a thing as middle-class living in Toronto? Anybody who earns the Toronto average wage, cannot afford to buy a house or even an average condo in this city. Soon, they won't even be able to afford to rent an average priced apartment! Like Manhattan, Toronto is becoming a city of rich and poor, with few average income earners in between.
Yeah, it's getting a bit bunk. Sure you can find affordable places but they're rubbish. I work pretty centrally (Rosedale, Forest Hill, Annex, etc) so even where I live now in Mimico is a bit far for my liking. I have to drive for work and I hate the longer commute from Mimico now...and it's not even that bad relative to the suburban nutjobs (I fully stand behind this comment...I lived in Pickering for a few a while ago...you have to hate yourself to do the drive every day).
I found a decent home now in a new condo building in Mimico, but it's poorly built and the noise issues are never-before-experienced by me (and I've lived in multi-unit the majority of my life) so I'm wanting to leave, but I'm worried about where I'd end up having to settle for. Plus vacancies are low so people start bidding wars now for rentals.
Searching for a place to rent has just become as stressful as driving.

I'm honestly thinking of leaving Toronto. Right now my lease will be up in two months and my landlady didn't want to sign a longer-term lease so I'm worried they'll be kicking me out to sell the place or rent for higher. I'm just waiting on them at this point. Either I stay here or I'm leaving Toronto. I'm not dealing with another home search in this mad house.
As if to jinx myself with that post.....got the phone call today. They're looking to sell. hahahaa.....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
As if to jinx myself with that post.....got the phone call today. They're looking to sell. hahahaa.....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Remember that they aren't able to evict you until the new owner takes possession and sends 60 days notice that they intend to move in. You are under no obligation to move during the sale process.
I know. I had the full convo today. They said they wouldn't even put it on the market until my lease expires (end of March). I'm so sick of moving and, as noted above, it isn't becoming any easier. Tent for the summer, maybe? I'm starting to get super jaded and bitter about this city.

Anyway, this thread isn't about my first-world middle class problems, it's about yon amazing balconies with prices to match!
3XN has been pretty consistently featuring looks at various aspects of both this project and Aqua-whatever-is-beside-this-one on their Instagram. It's worth a follow.



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Aquabella, welcome to your new luxurious neighbour, Aqualuna.


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