That is pretty bad but it still has nothing on 'The Inkwell' in 87 Peter:

The kitchen looks rather cramped and awkward but overall it's not that bad. Likely overpriced though, I would live in these places if they were affordable at all.
That is pretty bad but it still has nothing on 'The Inkwell' in 87 Peter:

As a painter I do actually really appreciate hallways, they are super useful for hanging too much art. I do hate the kitchen as a further extension of the hall though. Really kills any potential "elegant" art display.
The City have just posted this tender call regarding the affordable housing part.

Request for Proposal
Call number: 9118-15-7274
Professional Services, Architectural Services
Advocate Architect Services for the Bayside Affordable Rental Housing Pilot Project
The City of Toronto has entered into a contract for the Bayside Pilot Project which is comprised of 80 units of affordable rental units designed and built on the City's behalf. The purpose of this RFP is to select a qualified LEED Certified architect/architectural firm, with experience working with non-profit housing groups and municipal governments, to act as the City's advocate by protecting the City's interest and assisting in ensuring that the development is built in accordance with the plans and specifications agreed to by the City. The range of services is described in Section 3.0. This includes verifying that the quality of finishes meets specifications, that the operation of building systems are in good working order before occupancy and that all warranties, manuals and commissioning reports are provided.

The Bayside Pilot Project is a unique project that is being undertaken by the City of Toronto and Aquavista Bayside Toronto Partnership, a company formed by Hines Canada Management Company and the Tridel Corporation (the "site developer"). The Project is integrated within a building that will contain condominium units, affordable rental units, retail/commercial space and a parking garage. It will be leased to and managed by Toronto Artscape Inc., a non-profit organization.

The marketing and sales of the market condominium commenced in October 2014 and working drawings and other pre-construction activities of both the market condominiums and affordable housing have commenced. Construction is scheduled to start in late 2015 and be completed in late 2018.

It is anticipated that the range of services to be provided by the advocate Architect selected through this request for proposals will cover the period of January 2016 through to September 2018 according to the project schedule attached as Appendix F. While the period of work stretches over a several years, the services to be provided will be clustered around a number of milestones outlined in Section 3.0, the Scope of Services. Services may not be required in some months and more clustered work required in others depending on the stages of construction.

The City’s budget for this project accommodates up to 1,350 hours of advocacy services. Please note that this amount is only an approximation. Payment will be based on billable hours and does not reflect the total amount that will be paid to any Vendor.

Full call at:$file/9118-15-7274 Viewing Copy.pdf
I'd suggest that no-one go to that meeting tonight: it was two years ago.

I have access to a time machine, however, and will be attending. Please advise if there are any issues and/or concerns that should be brought up (and worth going back-in-time for).
I'd suggest that no-one go to that meeting tonight: it was two years ago.

Deleted. Sorry about that.

On another note got an email from Tridel today... "Aquavista & Sherwood - Now Under Construction"

Although I go to the site and their blog only talks about Sherwood under construction.
NEW YEAR'S DAY - January 1, 2016

Below is a wide angle view of East Bayfront as it looked on January 1, 2016. It will be neat to repeat this shot one year from now to see how much has progressed. Aqualina will likely be topped off by then (now at street grade), while Aquavista and Monde will likely be coming out of the ground.
Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 1 EDGEWATER DR

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 15 176396 FND 00 PP Accepted Date: Apr 1, 2016

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Foundation

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a 12 storey mixed-use building with 308 dwelling units (80 affordable housing units) with 4 levels of underground parking and commercial at grade.

PP Zoning Review Not Started
Zone - Other South District - Central Plan Review
