This was appealed to the LPAT due to Council's failure to respond in time. Planning recommends that Council send staff to oppose the development at the LPAT:

The proposed development is not supportable in its context, for reasons including that it does not have regard to relevant matters of provincial interest set out in the Planning Act, is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, does not conform with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, does not conform with the Official Plan, does not meet the intent of certain Council-adopted guidelines and policy direction for the area, constitutes overdevelopment and is not good planning or in the public interest.
While I've got no problem with the massing or height of this, I genuinely hope that Tribute loses here and loses hard. The last thing we need is more *garbage* G+C in this town.
Ground floor has generally been fixed at least with the giant car elevator area taken off Dundas Street. Still pretty bad.

Not as bad as the first design. But it still looks like an odd mish mash. The tower reminds me of something you'd find on the Humber Bay in Etobicoke. While the podium looks like that data centre in the Distillery District area.
Looks like they're taking another stab at the awful YC Condos podium, most likely to similar results.
It's going to be precast concrete (red brick motif) with some parts indented and others not to provide the rendered style. I'm hopeful it works out. Getting some serious Parlaiment Data Centre vibes from this (minus the terracota). And Damn those internal plans for the podium are complex. 3 elevator banks and a whole lot of programming going on.
Check out the architectural plans:

I don’t understand this language - faux brick, deployed in such a way that it’s obviously faux and obviously not structural. IRL, it will be both ugly and lacking in any sort of compositional logic.

Brick is never structural and has been used to great effect by plenty of talented architects to provide great texture to their buildings, even if it is in ways that appears non-structural. Visual trickery is just what we as architects do. All the time. I don't think that some deep dive into deceptive appearances is what architects or laypeople should be concerned about, especially as brick provides a welcome texture in a city where we see so many lost opportunities on podiums that should be providing a great texture to the streetscape.

The issue here for me is what you mention in the latter part of your post - there just seems to be no compositional idea here, and given G+C's approach, it's safe to say the materials and detailing will also be gravely bad. I think the idea of bands of brick can be beautiful but this project is...not going to be beautiful.
