Mike in TO

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Apr 23, 2007
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Application from Dorsay Development Corp (Tridel) for three towers - two of them rising to 38s and the third at 26s with a total of 913 units.... sounds like another reason to shut down the Sheppard line.
Why does every new condo proposal seem to be over 30 Stories. What happened to the plan for midrises along the avenues.
Why does every new condo proposal seem to be over 30 Stories. What happened to the plan for midrises along the avenues.

I don't know about the others, but these are probably because they're located at 404/Sheppard, just east of Fairview Mall.
Just east of Monarch's 'Heron's Hill'? Or would it be to the west, around the offices between Yorkland and the 404?
monarch's heron's hill is 2025 Sheppard so I would say 'above'
wouldn't that be funny: in a dense high rise city with no where to grow, they start building more highrises on stilts above the towers already built?

Just an OT thought I had while reading the last post.
monarch's heron's hill is 2025 Sheppard so I would say 'above'

I don't know exactly what the "2025 Sheppard" addresss includes.

2025 Sheppard is the current site of Monarch's head office and future site of the Heron's Hill project. So it seems a little odd that an application is supposedly going to community council for a project by Dorsay on the site - probably on error in the report or on my part in reading it and posting it here.
Maybe it's an error? 2055 Kennedy is the apporx address of the Metrogate project (they arn't that far apart and Metrogate after it's built will be close to Shepperd). Both Solaris 1 and 2 are already sold out (well, 1 is sold out, 2 is almost sold out and ahead of schedule). From what i hear, the plan is to now build both simultaneously with the project ending in 2011 (2010 Winter for 1, Spring 2011 for 2) meaning now Dorsay/Tridel needs to build the next few buildings in the metrogate project (I think the plans were 5 or 6 residential buildings and 1 office tower plus townhouses).
Unless Monarch's site includes, say, an adjacent parking lot at 2025 Sheppard for these condos (although, you'd assume Monarch would develop it), it must be another Metrogate phase with the wrong address...there's a half dozen other proposals along the Sheppard corridor but only Metrogate fits.
Planning committee votes against condo tower development

Planning committee votes against condo tower development
September 6, 2007

A proposal to build three condominium towers on employment lands in North York was turned down by the city's planning and growth management committee Wednesday.
The property, located within the Consumers Road Business Park, should be protected for future employment uses, agreed councillors who voted against the application to build two 38-storey towers and a 26-storey tower on the Sheppard Avenue site.

"We absolutely have to preserve employment lands and we have to put an end to the land speculation on employment lands so the lands are affordable for employment uses," Ward 23 (Willowdale) Councillor John Filion said.

Filion said developers who are buying employment lands are "gambling they can run to the Ontario Municipal Board and have (council's decision) overturned."

And when the OMB sides with a developer on such an issue, Filion said "it completely screws up the city's planning ... we're having employment lands, which are desperately needed, eliminated."

But Ward 12 (York South-Weston) Councillor Frank Di Giorgio, who voted in favour of the application, argued the city has a sufficient stock of employment lands available throughout Toronto.

"We have an oversupply of employments lands throughout the City of Toronto. We are not going to be short on employment lands," he said.

Peter Smith, who spoke on behalf of the property owner, Dorsay Development Corporation, told councillors the land in question has remained undeveloped for the past 30 years.

The site, which is surrounded by office buildings, is currently a large surface parking lot off of Sheppard Avenue.

"This is not an industrial site," Smith said, adding that another office tower or a big box store wouldn't be viable in that location.

"My opinion is staff's position on this matter is simply untenable," he said, telling councillors his client will take the matter to the OMB should council vote against the application this month.

The matter will go to council Sept. 26.
So it was the parking lot behind Heron's Hill. Those two projects combined would have crammed ~2000 units into a pretty small area. Sheppard East is usually a zoo during rush hour and thousands of new residential units are on the way...I'm so glad they aborted the subway!

I understand why they oppose this - the Consumers site is an A+ location as far as non-downtown employment goes - but about half of Consumers is currently parking lots, leaving room for at least a dozen major office towers should they be needed. The Consumers area simply won't need as much parking once the subway arrives. Is Heron's Hill approved? Seems a bit off to approve replacing Monarch's building but not approve replacing a parking lot. Council better axe condo proposals on other prime employment sites like Front & John, the ex-Imperial Oil site at Yonge & Park Home, etc.
2205 Sheppard Ave East

I found another report - the correct address is 2205 Sheppard Ave East (perhaps a moderator could change the thread title).

The current status at Heron's Hill (2025 Sheppard Ave E) - the tenants are moving out of the existing office building to prepare for demolition.

The current status at 2205 Sheppard Ave East:
The planning and growth management committee met on Sept 5th to discuss the staff report recommending that the city not approve applications for the OP and zb/l amendments that would permit Dorsay Development Corporation to construct 3 condo towers with a combined total of 914 units.

The application proposes re-designation of the site, which has remained undeveloped for 30 years, from employment to mixed-use are. The site is currently a parking lot and tennis court.

Dorsay has suggested that if the application is refused that they will take it to the OMB. The developer cited a city-commissioned report by Hemson which acknowledges hat the location is not viable for office development. The site is actually identified by the city as an avenue and is not part of the nearby employment district. Dorsay requested that the committee not refuse the application, and instead allow it to proceed to community council and schedule a public hearing.

The City's position is that an avenue next to an employment district should be developed as employment lands.

The application was submitted 3 weeks before the City of Toronto Act came into effect - therefore the decision of the committee and council is not final, as is currently the case under the act.

A couple of area councillors have spoken in support of the application.
Ah, I know exactly what and where that is now. The address threw me off...there's more projects going up along Sheppard than is easier to remember quickly. I guess the proposed office space component (another Atria phase?) is no longer proposed?
It really irks me that the city is pushing so hard for Sheppard to be one of the first "transit City" lines - the proposed density here and with a few other developments - combined with the fact that the city wants to further develop Consumers Road into an office hub really demands a subway extension.

In this case I hope the province steps in with plans to at least extend the subway past the 404 to Victoria Park with a stop at Consumers. That would at least increase the chances of potential office expansions and a real employment district hub.
