Aura by me

a quick look at the Aura cam this morning (10:30) shows a weird crane looking thing on the north side of the west podium area... interracial crane.

That's the south side, no? Anyway, when I was walking down Bay Street tonight to take in the first night of the Cavalcade of Lights at NPS (which, btw, was insanely busy unlike anything I've ever seen there before) they had Gerrard Street closed between Yonge & Bay and it appeared that they were taking that white crane down.
That's the south side, no? Anyway, when I was walking down Bay Street tonight to take in the first night of the Cavalcade of Lights at NPS (which, btw, was insanely busy unlike anything I've ever seen there before) they had Gerrard Street closed between Yonge & Bay and it appeared that they were taking that white crane down.

my bad. geography fail, south side of the western portion of the site,
The forms have been pulled out on the south side, so now you can see the recessed balcony feature that faces Gerrard.

And those curtainwall frames look like they're for the second floor. I could be wrong, through.
Nov 25
The ground floor area on Yonge St could be inclosed with glass since there are creates of glass in year bay area.





I hope there are going to be some sort of terraces or outdoor areas for restaurants/cafes, facing the park. It could be a really beautiful restaurant area.
I saw Aura yesterday. Looking huge already, this one's going to be a beast. Hopefully once it's complete, they'll revitalize College Park. It has such great potential to be a nice central urban space but it's so neglected right now. I walked through it, and it was filled with litter and obvious stench of marijuana smoke.

One man's stench is another man's sweet, sweet aroma.
College Park was the site of the 4/20 rally every year until construction began (which i proudly attended). This is not only due to the address 420 yonge, but also because of the criminal courts located at college park. People will still smoke pot in the park as an act of defiance. i must say, with all the bars on yonge causing drunk mayhem and random crackheads lurking in the alleys running just east of yonge, im surprised someone complains about the smell of marijuana at college park.

Sorry if i hurt ur nostrils travis, i promise it will happen again :p
I look out on this development from the eastern wall of the Liberties. They assembled a crane on the street last Friday evening (in about an hour) and began raising and installing mechanical facilities on top of the western podium roof on Saturday. They seem to stick up pretty high in comparison to the outer building walls. I'm hoping that they are given an appropriate design treatment. Their positioning makes me think that the design has changed significantly from that presented in the physical model at the building's sales centre on Bay Street. I believe the podium roof is to function as an outdoor amenity space. Can anyone comment / elaborate on this?
