I've warned everyone earlier, the cladding on the tower looks very unpromising. I'm gradually losing interest in this project.

February 16, 2012.




So in one glance at this building you can see: clear glass, tinted glass, charcoal glass, 4-sided structural glazing, pad and cap, aluminium panels, (faux?) stone, curtainwall, and window wall. And that's just the materials, without even getting the random cutouts and projections.

Wait. Is this the Shangri-La thread?
It shouldn't be too bad if the curved portions of the tower use the same cladding as the base.

But still, the colour combo reminds me of the early 2000-era condos, and not in a particularly positive way.
One thing that's striking about this building is whether people like it or not, it's going to be just uncompromising in its presence. I'm having a hard time getting a feel for it, though. For this one I really need to wait until it's near completion to see it as a whole. It appears to me jumbled and out of sync with itself right now (and not just in the sense that's far from complete).
What exactly is this material supposed to be?? Some one earlier mentioned granite, but I'm not yet convinced that it is. From a few of the closeup shots of neighbouring panels, the grains in the cladding look more repetitive than I would have expected from natural material.


Great photos Atlantis!

The grains do look similar, but not exact. Maybe someone can ask an onsite builder?
I'm having a hard time getting a feel for it, though. For this one I really need to wait until it's near completion to see it as a whole.

At least we won’t have long to wait for the podium. Construction seems to be moving in high gear now.
in terms of the tower cladding, this one looks exactly like the renders in terms of texture. should look pretty close.
When you look at the rendering and then compare it too the actual building, you can see how different the real building will look, than the rendering. The proportions will be very different. When you look at the size of the middle podium and the top section of the tower, it's clear that the tower will be a lot narrower than in that rendering. I think this building will look very different than the rendering, in it's size and proportions. I don't know if that will be good or bad. I guess we'll just have to wait to see. I really do like the angle of the upper podium. I think that just makes it a bit different then other buildings that just follow the street.
Was back in the area again today and noticed they were installing more 5th floor cladding on the south side. A few more updates since yesterday.






