Yes One57 is a mixed use building and not a "residential" tower. In fact it has more hotel suits than condo units.
And in terms of mixed used buildings its not even close to the tallest in North America. That honor belongs to Trump Chicago, with a height of 1,389ft!
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Men hard at work, over the weekend putting up panes of glass


That's the Trump World Tower and its 72 story 860ft tall. It was once the tallest residential tower in the world, from 2001-2003.
That's the Trump World Tower and its 72 story 860ft tall. It was once the tallest residential tower in the world, from 2001-2003.

Not to get off topic, but yes. Donald Trump skipped 18 floors when labeling the elevator buttons, so that the PH floor says the 90th, when in really it’s on the 72nd floor.

A bit tacky if you ask me. :rolleyes:
I laughed while walking by this site yesterday and saw a trailer truck from "Toro Aluminum" parked at the curb advertising condo highrise window frames. On the side of the truck were renderings for all the garbage G+C & Kirkor condos--ROCP, Waterclub, etc. Are these guys part of one big schlock club?

The details on this project are terrible.
I laughed while walking by this site yesterday and saw a trailer truck from "Toro Aluminum" parked at the curb advertising condo highrise window frames. On the side of the truck were renderings for all the garbage G+C & Kirkor condos--ROCP, Waterclub, etc. Are these guys part of one big schlock club?

The details on this project are terrible.

Toro Aluminum has been a part of such GTA projects as Absolute, One St. Thomas, Reve, James Cooper Mansion, and Lumiere. I wouldn't call any of those buildings "Schlock", but apparently you would.

I'll bite... Which details on this project do you find so "terrible"? You really seem to have a hate-on for this project (or anything not aA). That's fine and all, but what's with the consistently condescending attitude? You post as if you think are better than everyone. Its really tiresome and annoying.
I laughed while walking by this site yesterday and saw a trailer truck from "Toro Aluminum" parked at the curb advertising condo highrise window frames. On the side of the truck were renderings for all the garbage G+C & Kirkor condos--ROCP, Waterclub, etc. Are these guys part of one big schlock club?

The details on this project are terrible.

lol, reminds me of my neice, no offence, but she always either really hates something or really loves something, as if there is no middle ground! Personally Im just happy weve moved past the brutalist stage, as that was mostly a rough time for this city arcitecturally speaking. (Mostly) Maybe I am asking for too little? lol
One57 is residential/hotel (the Park Hyatt will occupy the first 38 floors).

Thus, technically Aura will retain the tallest "residential" building in North America.

Incidentally, apartments at One57 start at $6,000/sqft, with the PH hitting $10,500/sqft.

It doesn't really matter, as we all know, the U.S. will interpret it in whatever way suits their needs - therefore they will tout One57 as the tallest residential building whether it's true or not. Really, aside from the peoplr on this thread, who's going to challenge them?
It doesn't really matter, as we all know, the U.S. will interpret it in whatever way suits their needs - therefore they will tout One57 as the tallest residential building whether it's true or not. Really, aside from the peoplr on this thread, who's going to challenge them?

It's honestly really not important what building is considered the tallest residential building in NA. I am mostly concerned about how a building of this height ends up looking in the Toronto skyline. It would suck to have something so enormous turn out very poorly. *crosses fingers* (and toes)
Caltrane, you used to post pictures of AURA quite frequently. Now you have slowed down. What's happening? Is age catching up with you:D

Maybe.. I am getting a bit old.

Plus I'm hanging out with UD, Travis, Urbantoronto-ed, Travis, and islusky on Twitter.

Lest I forget Renderporn star is there too! Great times!
Maybe.. I am getting a bit old.

Plus I'm hanging out with UD, Travis, Urbantoronto-ed, Travis, and islusky on Twitter.

Lest I forget Renderporn star is there too! Great times!

Now you have explained everything nice and quite clearly. Thanks for that. However, don't forget that we still would love to have your pictures of AURA a bit more frequently.:)
