Not that I agree or disagree but:

When walking by this, more often then not I hear complaints from others (talking with friends or what not) along the lines of:
1) Its just too big.
2) Doesn't belong on Yonge.
3) Too much glass.

Generally they fall into one of those three categories ... I'm sure the majority have no idea it will be a 70+ story building, so they're in store for even more in regards to 1) above.
Interesting. That helps to support my argument that people like the low rise/mid rise human scaled nature of Yonge Street as it progresses north. Personally, I'm all good with highrises on downtown Yonge including Aura, so long as we don't lose any heritage/heritage worthy buildings. It's north of College/Carlton that concerns me.
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Interesting. That helps to support my argument that people like the low rise/mid rise human scaled nature of Yonge Street as it progresses north. Personally, I'm all good with highrise on downtown Yonge including Aura, so long as we don't lose any heritage/heritage worthy buildings. It's north of College/Carlton that concerns me.

Just spotted this blog entry, which seems to agree with the general sentiment above:

Lots of great pictures as well. The blog in general has a lot of good pictures ! hmm, if whomever runs it is on UT as well ;)
Lots of great pictures as well. The blog in general has a lot of good pictures ! hmm, if whomever runs it is on UT as well ;)

Wow. I've been looking through that blog, it is definitely worth bookmarking.
I'd love to design them a new logo, because the content is very good :)
Briefly O/T, BlogTo and Torontoist are great for all-things-Toronto too.
You don't think blogTo / gridTo are good anymore ?

I mentioned blogTo, but missed The Grid (I'm connected via Facebook), Spacing & Toronto Life.
Not that I agree or disagree but:

When walking by this, more often then not I hear complaints from others (talking with friends or what not) along the lines of:
1) Its just too big.
2) Doesn't belong on Yonge.
3) Too much glass.

Generally they fall into one of those three categories ... I'm sure the majority have no idea it will be a 70+ story building, so they're in store for even more in regards to 1) above.

It's worth noting that people are far more likely to become vocal if they're bothered by something than if they're fine with it. For every 1 person complaining, how many aren't... 10, 100, 1000? This isn't really an accurate way to gauge public sentiment. People with negative sentiments always make far more noise than people who have no issue with something.
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Thanks for the latest picture, Caltrane 74. Remember, the objective for you is to post at least 1 picture a day.

That should keep you young and active:)
Aura from College and Bay

Just remembered Williams tower in Houston had a similar pattern of cladding.
Here's an idea of what the overall effect of the window wall cladding on Aura might look like;

images from users on SSP
Strange...I've got a problem with a lot of condo projects going up in this city, but Aura doesn't really bother me. Sure, it might not be a fantastic piece of architecture but there's nothing wrong with a tall building on a site like that. It also replaces a parking lot and seems to at least try to do something moderately interesting with the base.
I see little issue with the height but, it's massing and materials leaves a lot to be desired. What a bland podium on one of the cities' most colourful streets. Even the numerous Bay Street condo podiums present some articulation. The tower mass is already overbearing at 10 storeys. The dark window-wall with the small panes of glass and aluminum coloured mullion caps is badly dated and will only look worse up against the structural silicone curtain wall.
