This is my favorite vantage point of Aura:


A few more pictures here:
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thanks for that pic looking across the fountians... it is attractive and this space will become quite a focal point once the tower is completed and occupied. So far I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of the cladding and the rather minimal use of spandrel . Lots of floor to ceiling glass. Lets hope it continues to the residential portion... the setback above the podium also seems to reduce the looming feeling at the intersection that some of us felt back when that was the only portion that had been built. Now it more or less continues the same height of the existing street wall.
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It would be lovely to have a big restaurant patio facing the park and fountains. Those "flying buttresses" on the ground level is actually a nice touch that is a pleasant surprise from G+C.
It would be lovely to have a big restaurant patio facing the park and fountains. Those "flying buttresses" on the ground level is actually a nice touch that is a pleasant surprise from G+C.

I wish they had some serious restaurant patios facing Yonge Street. It would be a great location, overlooking the action on the Street.
This building has been such a pleasant surprise. It looks great! Cladding is really nice, the massing works really well. It's one of the few buildings going up right now that really emphasizes Toronto's emergence as a world class city :)
Why is this:

A response to this:

I couldn't find any mention of a restaurant and don't remember ever hearing anything.

Sorry for causing confusion.

Original post was that '.. I wish they had some serious restaurants patios facing Yonge Street ...'.

The link posted earlier was a reference to the 'planters' constructed on 5th floor. I have pasted another link below showing restaurant(s) on 5th floor with open areas towards Yonge Street. Previous posts on this thread have given names of restarants already signed up. I hope this link will clear the confusion. After clicking on the link, please, click on the tab '5th floor rooftop'.
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This thing is absolutely massive up close. The footprint is huge. I think it will be a great addition once it's done and it's going to completely change the area.

It is a little disappointing that the retail is going to be full of big chains. I guess this is the way of the world today, but it's too bad there can't be a good independent restaurant instead. I guess the developers want a sure thing.
Yes, I saw the blogspot.auracondos site. And it's true, there will be rooftop terraces and patios overlooking Yonge. Hopefully for the dining/restaurants that will be locating in the mall.

That is great. This can undo Metropolis/10 Dundas East.
This building has been such a pleasant surprise. It looks great! Cladding is really nice, the massing works really well. It's one of the few buildings going up right now that really emphasizes Toronto's emergence as a world class city :)

the only thing this project emphasizes is Toronto's emergence as a place where local hack architects get to design 78-story buildings at landmark locations.

Aura makes one yearn for the 'good old days' when the wretched eyesores of Graziani + Corazza were limited to 20 or 30 stories, in less significant parts of the city.



I can't believe I've lived downtown for so long, but didn't realize that College Park was ACTUALLY a park (is there an emoticon for embarrassment?) Walked around there for the first time yesterday. It needs some love, but has so much potential! This project is sure to add to it. The park itself does need to be more welcoming from Bay or Yonge though, as many will be oblivious it, just as I have all these years.
