well I agree with Steve's sentiment. maybe we will be proven wrong and Aura will be the most beautiful condo tower in Toronto but I'd not put money on that. I think Aura is OTT myself. it's the Death Star of all condos.

Kettle, meet pot, and most of the rest of the well used kitchenware. You calling Steve, or anyone, OTT is major league chutzpah. And I don't even particularly like Aura at this point.

Steve, hang in there and say what you want.
Dear Messieurs vegeta_skyline, mdparker and 67Cup

ok relax 'boys'...
if you don't think that a post that uses the word 'sick' three times, in a short three line post, is ripe for some extremely mild and anodyne joshing, then i think you are just looking for things to be offended by.
by the way, referring to language as 'over the top' hardly counts as Grade A "character assassination", and it is in any case not an ad hominem reference.
well I agree with Steve's sentiment. maybe we will be proven wrong and Aura will be the most beautiful condo tower in Toronto but I'd not put money on that. I think Aura is OTT myself. it's the Death Star of all condos.

You have misunderstood the thread. Steve is the guy who likes Aura. A poster named thedeepend called his post "OTT" ie over the top, when he himself has been over the top in his vitriol about the building, ad nauseam, for weeks, if not months. You agree with the deepend in substance, though surely not in repetitiveness.

PS. I don't much like Aura either.
Dear Messieurs vegeta_skyline, mdparker and 67Cup

ok relax 'boys'...
if you don't think that a post that uses the word 'sick' three times, in a short three line post, is ripe for some extremely mild and anodyne joshing, then i think you are just looking for things to be offended by.
by the way, referring to language as 'over the top' hardly counts as Grade A "character assassination", and it is in any case not an ad hominem reference.

I presume you are willfully misunderstanding the true nature of the objection against your post.
April 25 with more up on site.
The hording has been removed and full view of the street front now.




hahaha funny stuff 42

the cladding is really starting to grow on me. drums 2nd and 3rd photos really got me. Seeing the sky being reflected off of the cladding makes it actually look appealing.
It may look messy but it looks good in certain light.. at least its not looking like a 40 floor parking garage like the windowless L Tower
The cladding on this tower looks so much like the WaterClub condominiums @ York and Queen's Quay.
Aura looks like a sporadic mess so far.

It will clean up considerably once the podium is finished and the temporary roof is removed. It does look like a busy mess with too much variation, but that's only due to the stage of construction we're at. Once the tower reaches its full height, about 50% will be uniform, 45% will contrast slightly, with the remaining 5% being the podium. It looks messy now, but it will come together once the building nears completion.
It will clean up considerably once the podium is finished and the temporary roof is removed. It does look like a busy mess with too much variation, but that's only due to the stage of construction we're at. Once the tower reaches its full height, about 50% will be uniform, 45% will contrast slightly, with the remaining 5% being the podium. It looks messy now, but it will come together once the building nears completion.

I agree, give it time....... too many people "out to lunch" on this one:eek:
I’m not sure I like that big crane-shaped object on the roof, and those top floors with no windows are sure gonna be windy! Not to mention all that dust and concrete trucks while you’re trying to eat your dinner.

I’m being sarcastic! :)
