In the renderings they had many extravagant lighting features / sculptures on the ground floor, at the very least I hope they include those. As the renderings actually look pretty darn close otherwise !
For a first class building, the retail area is pure ugly.

I have no real issue with BB&B ceiling since it very high in the first place, but felt out of place. When I was in the building on Thursday for the first time it was like walking into something built years ago with no appeal.

The entrance and the lower level is total 3rd class including the so call food court.

What the rendering show and what is being built is a ho humm what you call it. Had great hope for the building and the street, but not now even though the building is no complete.
Well, at least they've got great deals :)

Just some pictures of the entrance to Aura through College Park. I thought it was PATH but I guess not.





You actually have to go through another set of doors past these ones to enter the retail area. I'm not sure why they designed it like that.


The touch screen kiosk is a pretty cool feature.
I wonder how long until this thread is full of people praising the architectural superiority of this building and the lively nature of the retail again? Seriously it seems like every user on this site goes through phases where they absolute hate a building, then change their minds and love it again.. Every user execpt UD of course, who could probably find an excuse to hate the Empire State building.

not true. many of us knew this was going to be a piece of garbage from the moment it was unveiled, and there has never been even the remotest reason to think otherwise.
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None as far as I'm aware anyway ... in the pictures you posted (of nothing effectively) it actually looks OK / not bad ! That's being it doesn't have that ugly drop down cealing and the hideous grey spandrel on the outside of the stores in the basement.

Take away those two things I think it'd be okay ... if they add more feature pieces !
I went in and out to grab a quick look on my way home Wednesday and wasn't impressed at all, I was far too tired to spend any time. I stopped in again today to take a better look around (didn't go downstairs) and I couldn't believe my eyes, who in the world designed and approved this big box disaster?! Everyone has been going on for years about how we hoped that this would kick start a revitalization to this area of Yonge Street (me included), well we can put that to rest now. I quickly read through the last few pages just now and agree with the comments about this having the prestige of a future factory warehouse outlet. I was excited about BB&B coming downtown but after spending about 10 or 15 minutes in it tonight I had to leave with a headache from the lighting/smells. The photos posted of the lower mall look downright depressing. After seeing this mess I'm concerned again about the quality of design & materials for the top half of the condo above that many of us have been hoping would save the structure. Canderel disappoints yet again.
LOL well it does not look great why are people complaining so much. this is a tall large tower but you must realize this is not a 5 start tower you couldn't have expected really good looks and finishes in the public mall retail portion. we have to see how the condo lobby and suites/halls ect look before really judging.
LOL well it does not look great why are people complaining so much. this is a tall large tower but you must realize this is not a 5 start tower you couldn't have expected really good looks and finishes in the public mall retail portion. we have to see how the condo lobby and suites/halls ect look before really judging.

Wrong. 99% of people who shop in this heap or pass by here will never see the condo lobby, suites or halls. I expect quality - good quality materials and design, not this substandard crap that these money grubbing developers keep thrusting upon us. I believe that Canderel has an added responsibility here of putting up a great looking building given the extreme height and high profile location or else we'll have yet another Canderel blight on our downtown skyline for the rest of our lives with another guaranteed POS yet to come from them just north of College Street on Yonge. We must demand better and call these developers on this when they build crap and let them know how unhappy we are. On the flip side of the coin developers of great residential projects like L Tower, Casa, Motion, Market Wharf, Murano/Burano, Shangri-la, X and many more (along with great mid-rises, institutional buildings, revitalizations/restorations, office buildings & cultural facilities) should be applauded for their sensational designs that contribute so much to our city, and help improve our sense of civic pride.
The pictures do look dissappointing. Are they adding a grocery store here? I would have thought a grocery store would do well to service the condo owners - closest store would be the one in College Park and that one is pretty busy.
