I guess that depends on how the word "show" is being used.

I think of it as the million mullion mass.

thanks for recycling a joke i made back in April :rolleyes:

b) as is always the case with this developer, the materials being used are as cheap as they come. you can see from the Wall Of A Million Mullions they are presently banging together that they are using the same old cut-rate window wall system that you see on dozens of lousy, cheesy condos all over the GTA.
I didn't see your "joke." Just curious, but if it was intended to be humourous, then why all the eye-rolling if something similar should happen to be repeated?

well that's not true--because you responded to the post at the time.
but anyway, the eye-rolling was only because my initial use of the phrase was written in response to your completely out of the the blue attack on me....
(your response was a second attack that was deleted by the mods)


Can you two please go play under the Gardner? Thanks.
well that's not true--because you responded to the post at the time.
but anyway, the eye-rolling was only because my initial use of the phrase was written in response to your completely out of the the blue attack on me....

Oh my. You do take your hatred seriously - enough to stake a claim to it. As this building will be quite prominent in the skyline, it will likely sustain your unchecked loathing and detestation for some time to come. Good luck with that.
Errr...ok kids, enough arguing, neither of you will change your opinions, so why waste so much energy? I learned that the hard way when I first joined UT, but soon realized that we are all indeed a strong willed, diverse group, I just accept that not everyone will agree. If you feel a response to your posts is an "attack", that's why we have the moderators. Albeit, it's a tad entertaining listening to you two bickering, its also very distracting from the topic at hand, our stunning new up and coming iconic eye sore, Aura (sorry, just being a drama queen, but I have to say, to date, I'm not really impressed by the exterior, I foolishly was expecting more, a tad disappointed, but perhaps the just started curtain wall will be it's saving grace, fingers crossed!). Now please, give it a rest, don't make me bring out the scratching post, lol! :cool:
I think you are right. The webcam shows something similar.

Couldn't notice a thing from ground level today though:


Stone cladding on the west side of the podium is almost finished:


didn't realize how dramatic the setback would be when viewed from the north. The curved portion will surely make its mark.
Not gonna lie, at least two of my architecture instructors/profs have referred to this as "that piece of $h!t that's going up over at Yonge and Gerrard".
Bed Bath and Beyond......what a depressing retail experience.

The rabbit warren of retail spaces underground looks like it will be equally depressing.
Ah well. It's not like us moaning about it is going to change anything.

Hopefully the top portion can redeem this building on some level and if not we won't just be moaning about crappy 40 & 50 storey buildings we'll have 70 & 80 storey eyesores to contend with.
Anthony Bourdain's "The Layover" filmed some time ago finally aired here on Monday night and he didn't like Toronto's architecture at all, kind of embarrassing. Once he settled into Hogtown he did come to enjoy his stay here, a good thing. This is another reason why we have to keep moaning and expressing our displeasure on this board with developers throwing up crap and wildly applauding & supporting those who do wonderful things like L Tower, Market Wharf and many more sensational buildings. A clip here - http://www.travelchannel.com/video/its-like-different-here
