Maldive on SSP did a nice rendering of a few buildings. Aura is prominent.

Ya, Aura looks great there... now I can finally visuallize the twist in 3D. That really legitimizes it as a landmark imo.

random observations: sad how Scotia Plaza is almost completely blocked from view from the north. (thats my fave T.O. building!) Would have been interesting to see the Richmond Adelaide proposal in there, the AGO still looks under construction and Kings College Circle needs some grass planted...
Yeah, that angle really helps Aura's cause. However, I still maintain that it could be better.

On another note, thanks so much to Maldive for creating all these renderings. Most of them are better than the second-rate flash-based crap that developers put on their websites. Cheers!
If Toronto ends up 3rd in skyline/built form... number 4 is waaaayyy behind.

This is quite true. I posted here about my attempt to quantify the top skylines of North America, and regardless of how I measured them, came up with the same top four:

#1 New York -- most massive by a country mile

#2 Chicago -- a bit taller than New York (almost entirely due to the 10 or 15 floors of above-ground parking facilities in many of the taller buildings), but about half the mass

#3 Toronto -- third in NA in height, and about half of Chicago in mass

#4 Houston -- half of Toronto in mass, and significantly lower in height, but still a clear number four

The rendering view makes me wish U-Avenue had a direct straight line of sight from Q's Park to Lake Ontario--much more dramatic imo. Now the Vancouver-style awkard-looking S-La will create a further "barrier."

And the rendering is a clear reminder that highrise downtown Toronto is a small slice of the city and arguably not a reflection of the "real" Toronto; something about lowrise Victorian nabes west of McCaul mean more to me than a bunch of concrete and glass.....
What is Maldive basing that "twist" design on? Does he/she have access to design details that we don't, or is he/she pulling it out of his/her ass?
seattle, vancouver both also have a case, either way.

By the metrics I had used, Seattle and Vancouver are currently #12 and #11, respectively, among NA skylines. Vancouver has mass (#5 in NA using the Emporis scale) but its low height drags it down. Seattle, at #9 on my height ranking, is taller than Vancouver but is nothing special by mass.

On the other hand, they both have much more spectacular settings.

The rendering view makes me wish U-Avenue had a direct straight line of sight from Q's Park to Lake Ontario--much more dramatic imo. Now the Vancouver-style awkard-looking S-La will create a further "barrier."

And the rendering is a clear reminder that highrise downtown Toronto is a small slice of the city and arguably not a reflection of the "real" Toronto; something about lowrise Victorian nabes west of McCaul mean more to me than a bunch of concrete and glass.....
What? Buildings at Adelaide and University are "barriers" now? I thought the idea of the north side of Queens Quay being a barrier was bad. Pretty soon people will be calling 1 Bloor a barrier!
