Yup... occupancy has been delayed up to 16 weeks because of the elevator worker's strike.
I keep seeing employees of that same union demonstrating on Eastern. They've been at it since the beginning of the week, I think. Must have their offices somewhere along there.

They've been off for a few weeks now. We had a ginormous flood a week ago Wednesday (thousands of gallons from the top of the building down, trashing all four elevators...) which is how we learned of the labour dispute.

Back to the PH unit on the top floor, does anyone have an explanation for why they are now calling it the 79th floor? It was the 75th floor, then the 78th floor now the 79th floor.
The top PH is on the 78th level, but labeled the 79th floor due to skipping the 13th floor, as innsertnamehere says.
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Thnx! Trying to contribute photo updates here more often now that I've got an iPhone! :)
Another amazing shot, Tomms!

The main thing I can't figure out is how you gain access to those sites.
From what I have seen, its a patience game - combined with dressing like you belong there. Though even if tomms wrote a detailed book on how to do it, I don't think anybody else on here would be able to replicate his magic.

A bit OT, but are any other photogs here FURIOUS about the new flickr layout?
A bit OT, but are any other photogs here FURIOUS about the new flickr layout?

No, quite the opposite (not that I'm a photographer, especially compared to some folks on here). You're the first person I've seen to have that reaction! May I ask what you hate about it?
