I see it every day, a lot of time was lost from about January to April due to weather and winds.

Isn't building a floor every few weeks normal? I can see it being a bit off schedule with our crappy winter though. I love height, but I can't imagine working this high up in the air; exposed and open to the elements. Whatever these workers get paid, it's not enough lol.
I have a sprinkler head in my condo, tho it's a moderately older building (c1980's). I don't really understand it because it's sort of in the middle of the unit, but it must be controlled remotely because I've set off the smoke alarm many times without tripping the sprinkler, and I've even bumped it once or twice accidentally

Sprinklers are set off by HEAT not smoke - if they were set off by smoke we would see many more going off. In my building we have smoke detectors IN the Units (and they go off quite often but only inside the Units) but have sprinklers in the hallways - and they have never gone off. (There are aslo smoke detectors in hallways and they VERY occasionally go off - if there is lots of smoke coming from a Unit - and that sets the building fire alarms off.
Huh? All new buildings have sprinklers in the units. When I lived in Boutique there was a sprinkler in the kitchen. Can't remember if there were others. This is because of a new law from like 10 years ago or something like that.

I live in a condo that was built in 2004-05. No sprinklers.
Huh? All new buildings have sprinklers in the units. When I lived in Boutique there was a sprinkler in the kitchen. Can't remember if there were others. This is because of a new law from like 10 years ago or something like that.

Boutique is not "all new buildings". I've lived in several condos, none of which had in-unit sprinklers.
I thought Aura was the first residential building in Toronto to have sprinklers, is your building a conversion by chance? I think sprinklers need heat to set them off, or tampering (vandalism).

For what it's worth it was an apartment conversion, so perhaps the sprinklers date back from that. And they're designed to go off in response to heat but bumping them can also dislodge the glass bulb and activate the sprinkler (I've done it more than once, it's a pain), but I believe they can also be set to activate remotely or in response to a signal from an alarm system. I'm not sure about the last part (I'm not a sprinkler guy), but I thought I read it somewhere.
Construction appeared to be in full swing, elevators and all.







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Naked eyes (mine) could see the start of the curve on east side today as I gazed from north, leaving the Y.
Naked eyes (mine) could see the start of the curve on east side today as I gazed from north, leaving the Y.

If things go according to plans... The forms for the walls they put up today should be for the first floor of the fully curved tower. Steveve will have the best views of this in the next few days... (If he visits his grandmother again. ;) )


(From Aura webcam HERE )
Forms are indeed going up today, it looks like the east side is set back as expected. Pouring continues today too.

Ahhh, finally some action on this next level. Can't wait to see the eastern curve and see how slim it will appear as it goes up.
^Not a transfer slab... Actually the Terrace Railings of the 59th floor. As seen 10 floors lower on the West side shown below in tomms picture from a few weeks back:

That makes a whole lot more sense...and I probably should have known that :( . Thanks Traynor
