Sales Centres shall be absolete...soon I hope:)

Why not just have the "openings" online? A sort of facebook application with video. I mean you can see the floorplans online, models etc. So like us stocktraders, how about online real estate transactions? 'Tis the future me thinks! Especially when "agents" line up to buy 100 units! Do it online, and with online discount brokerage fees even 100 units could be unloaded for a profit--$1/unit;)

oops i spelt "obsolete" wrong sorry I'm tired....
Looks like syndicates will be dominating this ugly condo again. Probably aimed at the overseas Rye High rental crowd.

Where are all the hot real estate agents in this town? Oh right, they don't need to work outside.

Just a question out of curiosity. Do you like any buildings, new or old, in Toronto? Or Toronto at all for that matter.
Thanks for all pretty pics Mike.

Hard to tell from the pic on the right, but the pic on the left hints (via transparency) that the western facade still spirals up to the eastern facade... the roof is much swoopier than expected (though much like the original elevations I saw in the planning office).

P.S. are these pics "size as" or do you have them larger? Where are they from?
Aura should turn out just fine...on the outside. The units themselves are Aurable, ardly abitable. It has "100% renters" written all over it, but such a building is welcome so long as the rents aren't exorbitant.
Has anyone been able to see a picture of the model? I assume they are keeping it hidden until the sales centre opens.
My skyscraper geek side welcomes Aura.

Bearing in mind that the glass and balcony slab portion of the tower is as tall as RoCP1 (50+ storeys), I think we need to break up this mass below the curves a bit, even if it is some balcony detailing (transparent/opaque/fritted glass etc.).


Great design brainstorming as usual 3D.

A Retractable Eraser, a Boot and a Mohawk all on one street. Nice. A wonder if one (if any) of these will turns into Toronto's Gherkin?
Hey guys, I'm not sure if anyone posted the prices so I apologize if this is a repost. This is the price from the agent's sale but will highly go up when it goes public.

1 Bedroomm Model A - 518 sqft. $268,590
1 Bedroom Model B - 532 sqft $ 271,320
1 Bedroom Model C 584 sqft 289080
1+1 D + D 696 sqft $327,816
2 bedroom 820 sqft $396 420
2 bedroom 859 sqft $455,595
2 bedroom 823 sq ft $436 715
2+Den 986Sqft 519,930

This is not the entire list but you get the idea. Parking is 30,000 and locker is 5000. No parking for under 700 and locker is available to selected suites. In my opinion, given the location, the status of 75 stories and the market prices of recent new condos, this project is not expensive at all.
