Just taken now:


The east/west difference in height between the lower and upper sections transition, might now appear slightly more balanced from street level due to the perceived height difference of the crown when viewed from east or west.

(I hope that made sense!)
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I could live with the tower if the podium had been better executed. Whenever I walk by there, it just doesn't feel right. Of course, it doesn't help that the ground floor on Yonge houses banks, and that neither Marshall's nor Bed, Bath and Beyond seem to be making use of any of their window space for displays, but I'm not convinced the podium would work even if all of that was different.

I don't like the dark marble (I think that's what it is) on the ground level compared to the lighter material (not sure what) used on the rest of the podium: it doesn't feel very integrated. Perhaps the whole podium should have been in a lighter material, because (again) the ground floor just seems so cold and austere. I also think they could have done a better job right at the corner (of Yonge and Gerrard). Lastly, the lobby space leading to the upper and lower floors is a missed opportunity for a social space.

What do other people think?
Don't forget that the huge temporary overhang that we've all gotten used to will be dismantled soon.
So I guess you can't live with it. Where are you moving to?

I'm not sure if that's a response to my question, but if so, please cut the sarcasm. I shared my thoughts about something in a polite way and asked others for their views. This is really not a way to make a new member to the forum feel welcome. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything.
