Yes, just like Trump.

Exactly. And any number of other fantasy projects which will never be built like the Lee Chin Crystal and that way-too-swanky Ritz Carlton.
Then again, considering the lethargic pace of Aura, and the other issues associated with it, I would not be surprised if this one got canned. Who knows, maybe this is Garth's somewhat misplaced cancelled condo project?
wow really!

I think one might be a nice big suprise for us ... and it really should start construction any time now!

Regarding some comments about the L tower don't foget that's a completely different development and is complicated by the fact that it's tied in with Sony Center ... very complicated (have a peek at the latest meeting minutes posted in the L-tower thread). I'm almost postive L-tower has approval + sales + financing so none of that is an issue i.e. it shouldn't be compared to this project.
So, the rumour mill has it that Aura will be taller (roof hieght) than First Canadian Place......


I wonder if this rumour is based on topography, because the Aura site is higher above water level than the land FCP is built on.
If Aura gets canned, we can start talking about the 'Curse of College Park', given the history of this block with canceled Toronto megaprojects. First it was Eaton's College Street, then the Maryon Tower. Hate to see Aura get added to the list.

However, if Aura does attempt to beat FCP as Toronto's tallest skyscraper, I'd like to see further development on the design. Roof ornamentation perhaps, even a spire?
FCP is not that great that you need some tricked out tower to top it. The current design would do well enough imo.
Certainly its much better than the latest render of 1 bloor.
If Aura gets canned, we can start talking about the 'Curse of College Park', given the history of this block with canceled Toronto megaprojects. First it was Eaton's College Street, then the Maryon Tower. Hate to see Aura get added to the list.

However, if Aura does attempt to beat FCP as Toronto's tallest skyscraper, I'd like to see further development on the design. Roof ornamentation perhaps, even a spire?

It didn't get as much press (if any at all) but I saw the Aura sales office on opening day and it was a zoo like 1BE. I saw a similar but smaller turnout for Lumiere when it's sales office opened, and look what happened to them.
wow really!

I think one might be a nice big suprise for us ... and it really should start construction any time now!

Regarding some comments about the L tower don't foget that's a completely different development and is complicated by the fact that it's tied in with Sony Center ... very complicated (have a peek at the latest meeting minutes posted in the L-tower thread). I'm almost postive L-tower has approval + sales + financing so none of that is an issue i.e. it shouldn't be compared to this project.

You would think that Aura being part of the sucessfull College Park development has a better chance of getting build than the L-Tower.
I think both L-tower and AURA will be built .... just probably AURA will start first while L-tower sorts out the complication with Sony Centre and PATH
Update on amenity/crown lighting:

Some of the night time renderings displayed hints of what is to come, so here is the basic plan - Candarel Stoneridge will be installing strip lighting of white LEDs coming from the top of the tower along the mullions, dropping down approximately 15 floors from the crown. The plan is to intentionally have a somewhat random pattern with each strip being a different length of clean white light that will look as though it is dripping from the building.
