Great renderpersons. Their body language suggests to me that the couple on the couch won't be together much longer, though.
Hmmm, perhaps they are strangers and he is trying to chat her up? This is fun, though off topic. Sorry.
The renderings are pretty funny.

In the first one, the tower seems to have migrated to somewhere between Bay Street and Avenue Road, directly north of some duplicate spawn of The Prince Arthur condo, that seems to have sprung up out of nowhere.

In the last one, the occupants of the tower must be suprised to find themselves having migrated even further - to either out on the Queensway, or up around College and St. George.

I would also add that the first pic is from 14th floor terrace, so wouldn't any southview be blocked by the Delta Chelsea; and ditto for the 5th floor rooftop?
Great renderpersons. Their body language suggests to me that the couple on the couch won't be together much longer, though.

I think that girl sitting with that guy is checking out the chick with the cyan bikini.

Anyways, based on the renderings from 1 to 3 it looks like Aura has shifted to Avenue road instead of Yonge. Oh well, the general public won't care, but we seem to.

Great renderpersons. Their body language suggests to me that the couple on the couch won't be together much longer, though.

I'd appreciate it if you'd exercise some sensitivity and respect when you go applying labels to people like that. They're not "renderpersons," they're "people of render."

This is just sad ...
How about renderwenches?

They live vicariously through us, so they need our evaluation.
The world is coming to an end? On a long weekend, too?

That sucks.

Let's give Thanks this weekend in hopes that this project gets built, whether one likes or dislikes the design, to put all rumours to bed; or more appropriately into an underground concrete garage 10 floors down.
Boy this is taking a long time.

Application: Partial Permit Status: Under Review

Location: 388 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 08 196702 SHO 00 PP Accepted Date: Aug 25, 2008

Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential Partial Permit - Shoring

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a 4 sty commercial building with 6 levels of underground parking. (Future location of 75 sty condo). 382, 388, 400 Yonge St.
Do we know if they've officially submitted an application with the city for the extra 10 floors talked about?

Or, I guess for that matter, have they actually been approved for the 243m height yet?
