^Application: New Building Status: Under Review

Location: 388 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 08 196702 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Aug 25, 2008

Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 4 sty commercial building with 6 levels of underground parking. (Future location of 75 sty condo). 382, 388, 400 Yonge St.
How high is the podium supposed to be on Aura, anyways?

that depends how strictly you define as the podium ... if you only include the base-base (where retail is) thats 4 storeys like androiduk suggests ... or if you include the box section above (residential loft units) thats 13 storeys according to my read of Aura's plans

The podium was originally going to be 10 stories before the DRP got their hands on it. It looked like crap, though. Same awful pomo doodads as RoCP.
^Application: New Building Status: Under Review

Location: 388 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 08 196702 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Aug 25, 2008

Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 4 sty commercial building with 6 levels of underground parking. (Future location of 75 sty condo). 382, 388, 400 Yonge St.

So, this application is just for the podium???

I didn't realise both the podium and tower required seperate applications...
I don't think they 'needed' 2 BP applications, but often in large projects such as this the builders want to break up the BP process such that they can proceed on the base podium first (which is usually more complex) while permit review for the tower continues underway ... to save time (I think)
I thought the city of Toronto had already approved the project a while ago. I remember the first proposal was rejected, and the builder had to make a couple of amendments (most noticibly the 3 storey podium) and resubmit to the city of Toronto.

In any case, I was talking with the administrator at the sales office and they anticipate that construction might commence March 2009. Seems like occupancy is still October 2011, but I would assume that would be pushed back should they receive the green light for the 10 additional floors. I wonder how that proposal is going. Anyone hear anything about that?
If this project goes ahead, and if construction begins in March there's no way it will come close to Oct. 2011 completion.
In any case, I was talking with the administrator at the sales office and they anticipate that construction might commence March 2009. Seems like occupancy is still October 2011, but I would assume that would be pushed back should they receive the green light for the 10 additional floors. I wonder how that proposal is going. Anyone hear anything about that?

An 80+s tower to be completely built in 2 1/2 years of groundbreaking ?!?!?
Well, the executive floors (56+) are expected to "begin" occupancy June 2012.

An extra 10 floors might add 3-4 months I would think...
Wow, podium first. On the Eaton's College Street block, that's *really* begging for history to repeat itself...
An 80+s tower to be completely built in 2 1/2 years of groundbreaking ?!?!?

that's why I mentioned "... but I would assume that would be pushed back should they receive the green light for the 10 additional floors"

It seems like there are different occupancy dates depending on if you purchased a unit from the tower suites vs. executive suites. Like Johnzz mentioned, the executive suites have their occupancy date June 2012.

So are we to assume that they are moving people into the building while they are still constructing the top of the tower? :confused:

The builder was able to deliver CP1+2 on time. in any case, I agree that this is a short time frame to build such a huge building.
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So are we to assume that they are moving people into the building while they are still constructing the top of the tower? :confused:

The builder was able to deliver CP1+2 on time. in any case, I agree that this is a short time frame to build such a huge building.
It's entirely possible. In fact, they moved people into the lower floors of the RoCP towers while the upper floors were still under construction.
