That could be included, but I thought that it was a bit too far north to be part of the immediate cluster.
I like how Aura is located north of College on the PATH map in the brochure. Minor detail, but I guess I'm just a stickler for inaccurate maps. Let's hope people don't go to College and Yonge and think they will demolish the buildings at the NW corner.
Lumiere should be added to the list. (It's the one west of College Park on Bay.) Although if Edilcan didn't feel that it was worth the investment to attach The Met and Encore to the subway and the College Park PATH system, it is likely that Lumiere won't either. It's a shame.
Add to that Phase 2 of MARS, Women's College Hospital expansion, possible expansion of that 8 storey Ontario Government building, plus the parking lot next to Bistro 990 and you've got density supreme! :eek:
There was this post earlier on this thread. An extract from the post:

But Michael La Brier, president of Canderel Stoneridge, said his company could add up to 10 more storeys -- provided the city blesses the plan. Aura would then be the city's highest condo building, at about 280 metres.

"When we had the building engineered, we had everything so we could add up to 10 more floors to the building," said Mr. La Brier. "So that's certainly part of the discussion we need to have ongoing with the city."

The new Aura skyscraper will boast at least 960 residential units, and more if the additional floors are added. Canderel Stoneridge says 5,000 people are on a waiting list to buy.

Mr. La Brier is clearly willing to barter with the city to win add the additional height for the new tower. "One of the the things we want to do is completely rebuild the [nearby] Barbara Ann Scott Park, and that's a price I'm certainly prepared to pay, especially in lieu of getting another 10 storeys of density on the building."

The local city councillor, Kyle Rae, said he's open to the possibility of 10 more storeys -- ''that would be something that would have to go through planning''-- but welcomes the new people drawn to the downtown core's "residential renaissance."

In addition, I saw specific information elsewhere about the 278m target height, but I cannot recall where I saw that.

Teeny Weeny!!

Wow - those floor planes are entirely underwhelming. Most of them are a serious waste of space. My favourite is the 6' x 8' 'den'. What on earth are you going to do with a space that is only six feet wide?

A desk and chair wouldn't even fit!

I just can't believe these rinky dink units.Some of these 'dens' and second or third 'bedrooms'are the size of walk-in closets of older buildings. One of those teeny weeny 'bedrooms'does not even have a closet or window. What a joke!
You know where this building is going. One giant rental building owned by investors.
Images from the PDF sales brochure:

Tower Day

Tower Night

The Lobby Area

5th Floor Terrace, or something called: "The Haute Spot". ...urp. Judging from the skyline in the background, it seems to be located at Lakeshore and Bathurst.
Artist conception, ha.

That last picture (terrace) is horribly inaccurate. What a sham. Not only is terrace located at Lakeshore and Bathurst, but if you visit it you'll also be subject to time-travel back to the time when the Canada Trust logo sat atop BrooksfieldPlace.
I received the same brochure and I was aghast at how small the units are. How on earth do you live in a space so SMALL? Assuming you don’t wear all of your clothes all of the time, how do you manage with a single 2 and a half foot wide closet??? And look at the size of the "live/dine/cook" room. You can sit in your "live", and "dine" off your lap while turning off your stove with your foot. Great looking building but these units are ridiculous. Honestly, where do you put your winter clothes during the summer?

