Good grief! You guys are so sanctimoniously correct in all your views. Everyone seems to be the exclusive authority on what's ugly or beautiful.
The righteousness here reminds me of a bunch of southern bible thumpers.
^^ The basic principles of good design are universal and immutable - unity, emphasis, balance, proportion, contrast, movement, rhythm, volume. It's not just a matter of opinion. Actually, it's more a matter of education (and practice). The elements that make KPMB's George Brown design good (see above) and G+C's Aura design bad (see above) can be explained rather objectively (see above). It's Aura's defenders that are hysterical - they don't know what they're defending (bigness?) - not its detractors - they know what they're detracting.
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^^ The basic principles of good design are immutable and universal - unity, emphasis, balance, proportion, contrast, movement, rhythm, volume. It's not just a matter of opinion. Actually, it's more a matter of education. The elements that make KPMB's George Brown design good (see above) and G+C's Aura design bad (see above) can be explained rather objectively (see above).

The "basic principles" you name may indeed be "universal and immutable" (though you have accorded to architecture attributes traditionally ascribed to the deity.) But a statement about whether a given building displays those characteristics, even by so august and expert a person as the typical UT poster, falls squarely into the realm of opinion. Nicht wahr?
here is how the geniuses at Graziani + Corazza are (not ) handling the transition from the cheap curtain wall on the podium, and the cheap window wall system they are using for the condominium tower. not surprisingly, it is amazingly incompetent and astonishingly bad. they are clearly just making it up as they go along.

Is there a way to get an injunction to stop construction?
they are both the biggest beasts in this city.

Aura has, to me, become a novelty. It's a race or competition to get those extra couple floors for bragging rights. But it won't be a "community" or a really fun place to live in my opinion. With all the retail, I imagine it will be like thousands of complete strangers pillaging your front yard all day. Sort of like Cityplace where the Roger's Centre crowd thoughtfully leave hot dog wrappers to decorate the streets.

^I would rather stop Aura than stop Rob Ford.
I don't think it's particularly stunning but it's not ugly either. I can't imagine that I'll cringe when I pass it, as is the case with a lot of towers along the waterfront. And despite the poor cladding it still offers an interesting overall shape, loads of retail and, of course, precedent-setting height. In short, I'm still looking forward to this one.
Good grief! You guys are so sanctimoniously correct in all your views. Everyone seems to be the exclusive authority on what's ugly or beautiful.
The righteousness here reminds me of a bunch of southern bible thumpers.

After a few years on this forum, you learn to look at the photos, and skip most of the comments! Too many folks expecting unrealistically high standards and materials.

These buildings are being built by companies to make money, and house people. They are not being built by wealthy benefactors as giant monuments to loved ones.
Some Different Angles

Maybe I'm a minority here, but this cladding far exceeds my expectations. Looking forward to seeing 78 storeys of this.
