This thing is starting to have an Empire State Building effect in those south facing shots.

Um not.

It actually looks like what it is—the same horrid building Graziani + Corazza have been 'depositing' around the city for the past several years—clumsy, ugly, poorly executed, tasteless, and done on the cheap—but administered this time with a triple shot of Viagra.


I think once the construction starts getting glass on the upper levels (where there are no balconies) the look of the building will greatly improve. Even adding the glass to the existing balconies seems to be helping make it look somewhat sleeker. It is a shame they didn't make the other condos recently built as part of that complex take on a similar look though. The ones on Bay St. will seem a touch out of place with all the grey stone.
How sad must ones life be to direct so much passionate hate towards a building.

Keep in mind that our passion for buildings is more or less why we're all here.

I could be wrong but I get the sense that thedeepend isn't as bothered by the low quality execution and materials of this building as he is by the refusal of others to acknowledge it. The former isn't really something that his persistent criticisms can change, but the latter is, at least theoretically.
I could be wrong but I get the sense that thedeepend isn't as bothered by the low quality execution and materials of this building as he is by the refusal of others to acknowledge it.

There is also another group of us that do acknowledge faults, yet can still enjoy a building with them. Why tie oneself up in knots when everything isn't perfect. That's not passion, that's bordering on OCD.
There is also another group of us that do acknowledge faults, yet can still enjoy a building with them. Why tie oneself up in knots when everything isn't perfect. That's not passion, that's bordering on OCD.

I fall into this category. As I've said before, it's no masterpiece, but there are things about it that I appreciate, particularly its massing.
There is also another group of us that do acknowledge faults, yet can still enjoy a building with them. Why tie oneself up in knots when everything isn't perfect. That's not passion, that's bordering on OCD.

Well said, wmedia.
OCCDD (Obsessive-Compulsive Construction Development Disorder) is a REAL problem, although not recognized by any medical authority. Yet.

Unfortunately, Aura has brought this disorder out in many. The current prevailing advice is to 1.) Breathe; and 2.) Stop looking at it :p
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