1 Transit Square?

If there's a bit of space left over, they could have a small spit of a square with an interesting sculpture depicting transit...
interesting set of predictions in this thread... estimates of the # of floors have gone from only 6 at first, all the way to 21-23, including 8, 10-12, 14-16, and 15-18
Looking forward to hearing more about this. At 240,000 sq ft it almost the same sq ft size building as Telus which will be 246 886 sq ft.
Looking forward to hearing more about this. At 240,000 sq ft it almost the same sq ft size building as Telus which will be 246 886 sq ft.

Telus was about 800 000 sqf I believe.

Telus leased 600 000 sqf leaving that 240 000 sqf over.
So really this won't even be a tower, unless it's really thin. Thanks for correcting me by the way. I thought the Telus numbers I found were low.
Level 1: Impressive lobby to show off GO Transit/Metrosux/Presto.
Level 2: GO Boardroom and managers
Level 3: GO Staff (finance and HR)
Level 4: GO Staff (Procurement, Engineering, and a broom closet left over for "customer service")
Levels 5-18: Consultants
Level 1: Impressive lobby to show off GO Transit/Metrosux/Presto.
Level 2: GO Boardroom and managers
Level 3: GO Staff (finance and HR)
Level 4: GO Staff (Procurement, Engineering, and a broom closet left over for "customer service")
Levels 5-18: Consultants

Is this fact or fiction?;)
The scoop:

-18 stories, as SeanTrans has said
-Three tracks will be removed on the south edge of the property
-It will be a semi-circular tower oriented with the horizontal edge agaisnt the track and the curve towards the north-east
-Green roof and greef roof garden on 3rd floor
^^Not that this is inconceivable, but where is this information coming from, regarding that curve in the tower and green roofs etc.? Train/transit can be some of the best stuffs for inspiration-->however, this is Canada, so it could just be another building.

To be honest, I would have much rather GO/GTTA have built at one of their busy commuter rail stations instead of downtown Toronto. I know that from a business side of things it is better to be located in the core. However, from the mandate of place to grow and intensifying transit-hubs/corridors, wouldn't rebuilding-intensifying a place like Oakville GO staiton be a worthy candidate for this office building? The station area has a lot of redevelopment possibility but just needs to do something about its expansive parking situation. By building on this area, GO could accomplish three objectives at once:
1) Decrease surface parking lot space by building a structure that includes commuter parking;
2) contribute/lead to the intensification of a 'place to grow' under the growth plan;
3) Obtain the office/operational space the organization needs.

They could also sell off their Toronto land.

Either way, 18 stories is fine enough. I just hope the architecture humbles the area.
p5: i'm looking at the plans and divulging as much as I can see and interpret from them, since the plan we have is very limited, and I'm not all in the know since i'm not working on that project.
few more things - 78.4 metres total height, bridge connection to the L tower over The Esplanade, stone cladding on the south east corner, the glass faces will be broken up by "aluminum metal fins" vertically and spandrel between the floors.. not sure about colours though...
