June 3rd:


What's the purpose of the black material lining between the foundation walls and the retaining wall?

I think it's to keep the lake out.
I noticed identical lining on many other projects far from the lake like 1 Bloor East, U Condos, etc. Although insulating basement from leaks (like rain water) is highly likely the purpose.
I've always wondered about this. If projects like these are waterproofing themselves, then supposedly whatever underground stream was flowing there will be diverted around them or possibly into another direction, possibly putting a building with no such waterproofing at risk of flooding. Do all underground structures require such waterproofing?
Good question? I would assume theres some sort of action taking place in regards to that, or rather there certainly should be. Some where, some one must have a certain map of where all the underground streams are. At least I would hope they are keeping track of that stuff. Can you imagine if something as big as the buildings in the core fell into a sink hole. what a mess that would be. Doubt it would happen though.
Yes all buildings require waterproofing.
I've always wondered about this. If projects like these are waterproofing themselves, then supposedly whatever underground stream was flowing there will be diverted around them or possibly into another direction, possibly putting a building with no such waterproofing at risk of flooding. Do all underground structures require such waterproofing?
Good question? I would assume theres some sort of action taking place in regards to that, or rather there certainly should be. Some where, some one must have a certain map of where all the underground streams are. At least I would hope they are keeping track of that stuff. Can you imagine if something as big as the buildings in the core fell into a sink hole. what a mess that would be. Doubt it would happen though.

Not to worry, most of these buildings are securely fastened to bedrock with rock bolts and anchors. No real threat of a sinkhole sucking anything up.
Looks good to me. Thanks for the updates.
Since Backstage is still well below grade and all you can see of it in these photos are its crane I am not sure why it "looks good to me". Sure, it's a cute crane but ...
